Generation Heat
(for the Occupy Movement)

A brief flame,
That is how our resistance appears,
I will grant you that -- but no more!
Is our body more precious
Than the breath that gives it life?
And what of the spark
That ignites the first gasp
That leads to the next?
Something or someone has to burn
So a light can be seen in the dark.
Why not you? Why not us?
The abuse of power will not
Simply go away and disappear --
Without the generation of alternative heat.
Be that heat! Be that gathering
Of many little flames into One Fire:
For the future, for the Earth!
That is how our resistance appears,
I will grant you that -- but no more!
Is our body more precious
Than the breath that gives it life?
And what of the spark
That ignites the first gasp
That leads to the next?
Something or someone has to burn
So a light can be seen in the dark.
Why not you? Why not us?
The abuse of power will not
Simply go away and disappear --
Without the generation of alternative heat.
Be that heat! Be that gathering
Of many little flames into One Fire:
For the future, for the Earth!