![]() Centuries ago, a Poet lifted a Chalice, blessed it, and shared the drink with his dear companions... some say that the same Chalice was placed in his burial cave... and as time passed, others said that it was taken from that cave by mystic-knights and hidden away in Europe -- perhaps near the secret grave of Mary of Magdala... And as time became lost in the mists of ancient memories, this Chalice, the most holy of all grails, disappeared... until... A young King in a distant land was entrusted with the secret of the Grail: and he in his turn became its keeper. The young King built up his kingdom in the practice of justice: his people were pleasant to behold and the land flourished. After time though, the King relaxed into a life of ease and pleasure, and so began to forget to care for the well-being of all his people. Disputes roiled the commons and a darkness of soul slowly descended across the land. The King grew increasingly restless and then forlorn: all love and hope had abandoned him. Despair throttled the mind and heart of the King, until he cast himself out of his own castle to live as a Fisherman by the banks of a river. His heart was crushed within his own chest as he dropped the fishing line -- hookless -- into the river in the mad attempt to catch himself. His wounds became his identity: and everyone left the Fisher King alone... Into this wasteland, a knight-errant came one day: a seeker like so many before of the Holy Grail... Perceval, the one in whom thought and action were one, perceived a moment of truth: and himself forgot both the perception and the truth: but in the surprise of grace, was given a second opportunity to ask of the Fisher King the Question of the Grail: "Whom does the grail serve?" And in the asking came the Great Remembering: the Grail exists for Every Other! The Holy Grail is an eternal symbol of "right relationship": of life lived in the service of Love and the pursuit of Justice. And as the story goes, this sacred remembrance healed the Fisher King, restored the land, freed the people, and enlightened Perceval... Fisher King Economics is simply this sacred remembrance in our day and in our time, with all of the many inter-twined issues of politics, economics, and the well-being of all life on this precious blue Planet. The Sacred Chalice, the Holy Grail, is the primary symbol of Yeshua the Poet of Nazareth: he lived as the Chalice himself -- not to keep -- but to pour out upon all people and upon the Earth the very Being of Love: love without limits... to heal every broken life and heart with the sacred drink of compassion... to restore into a dynamic condition of well-being every relationship with the sacred gifts of justice, equality, forgiveness, and harmlessness... and to recover the lost unity of Paradise with the sacred exploration of infinite possibilities as the norm of everyone's daily life. Thus, Fisher King Economics is the enlightenment that accompanies the Chalice: whom does the economy serve? "Every Other in Justice and Equality!" Fisher King Economics is the sacred responsibility to follow policies that would ensure the full development and liberation of every person on this incredibly rich, blessed, and devastated Planet. [One additional note: "enlightement" is this: You are, right now, the Holy Grail. Whom do you serve?] Comments are closed.
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022