Nehru and Eisenhower
Eisenhower, Second World War General and eight years President of the United States, warned in his farewell address of the dangers within the rising American military-industrial complex: now, decades later, the "military-industrial-technological" complex... How many wars, or better yet, how many years of peace have we had since the warning issued by Eisenhower -- just before John Kennedy became President? As I write, an American strike force is heading to North Korea -- to serve as a warning, but prepared to strike upon the order of the President or in retaliation for an attack by the North upon the South: to be sure, nuclear weapons are at the ready to be launched... I've said it before, if there was no profit in weapons or in war, or if peace were even more profitable, the children of the world would finally be safe. The slick marketing strategies of Mr. Winchester changed an America intent upon inventing a grand civilization into an America that fears its neighbor: the harmless wet dreams of boys wondering about sex steadily become the vicious wet dreams of men: lusting for unlimited profit and world domination... With but a little research, one will discover that an incredible -- no, a stunning -- amount of money has been spent by America and the world on the weapons of war and war making since the time of President Eisenhower: certainly enough money to have transformed this entire Planet -- many times over -- into a practical paradise of beauty, plenty, and peace. Then, with just a little bit more research, and one would discover all of the connections required by the lust of unlimited profit and domination that manipulate and control the world economies: the fate of nations and entire peoples are decided in Board rooms into which only a few people have access... What are the solutions? I think that they are many and varied: but here are a few suggestions for a personal beginning: 1) Commit to a personal path of mindfulness -- every thought, word, and action carry seeds that are planted in our consciousness for better or worse; 2) Commit to a personal path of transformation -- you are the blessing of the Divine, right now, upon this precious blue Planet: so manifest your blessing; 3) Commit to a personal path of promoting justice -- begin to eat and live simply (others simply want to live), recognize the connections between how you spend your money and how the workers making the products you buy are exploited or honored, educate yourself and your friends as to the requirements of justice in the international sphere; 4) Commit to a personal path of becoming a peacemaker -- study the lives of the saints and scoundrels who refused to live just for themselves and became instruments of peace in both small ways and great: then do something everyday for peace; and 5) Commit to a personal path of saving this Planet for the children -- thinking seven generations forward, discover ways of practicing nonviolence and the regeneration of the Planet in your daily life: and as importantly as anything else, form small communities of support and celebration: have festivals in your neighborhood for peace and justice: learn and teach arts and crafts: form sacred circles for shared prayer and contemplation: read poetry together: make music together: grow some of your own food together: invite people into your life who are different from you: we have to enter Paradise together with everyone else: no one enters by him or herself: its all of us or none!
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022