Live in the opening where there is no door to hide behind. -- Rumi the Ecstatic All the many "eyes of the heart" can see into -- and through -- the soul and then on into the Infinite: this is the "opening" where there is no door to hide behind. The mystic quest is to access this opening, and then to set up the "housekeeping" of a base camp there to further explore the surrounding terrain... There are a number of "mystic essentials" to even approach that "opening"... In considering these mystic essentials, begin by intently gazing upon the peacock pictured above: look at it deeply... let your gaze take in as much as it can... rest in that gaze for a few minutes... Isn't the peacock an incredibly beautiful bird? Now: gaze just as intently into a mirror: look deeply... let your gaze take in as much as it can... SERIOUSLY: rest in that gaze for a few minutes: Now: see yourself as the Holy One sees you (not the god of the dominator paradigm who wants you to keep buying your shortcomings and failures and mistakes -- so as to stay in business): but see yourself as the One Love Consciousness sees you: you are, right now, an original blessing: you are, right now, a beautiful and sacred being with infinite possibilities for giving and receiving Love... Adoration of the Holy begins with a deep, interior, bow to your own being: you have been created in the image of the One: with the very same capacity to Love; there has never been, nor will there ever be, another being exactly as you! Holy Moly! You really are special! This is the root, the beginning, of every good. Kindness towards others -- the full flowering of empathy and compassion -- is a great hunger of the human heart: how can anyone love another if he / she despises him / her self? It is always an overwhelming feeling of unworthiness and unloveability that creates chaos, destruction, injustice, oppression, exploitation, and violence... "Religions" step into this "void of chaos" to both affirm ones core unworthiness and then offer a corresponding means for "salvation": but as agents of the dominator paradigm, they can not offer either liberation or bliss -- just the "hope" that if one shuts down enough to follow "the program", maybe there will be a "heaven" sometime later (and at least half of the joy of heaven will be the knowledge that countless others will in fact be unworthy forever... and will suffer unending pain...). It may be very hard, but you have got to put aside every temptation to believe anything about your self other than "You were created by Love, for Love, to become Love": say it every day as your Sacred Intention until you know its truth: "I have been created by Love, for Love, to become Love"... say it, say it, say it over and over and over again until the rhythm of the words become even as an intimate particle with your every breath... When you know the truth of this mystic essential as your self-identification, your life will truly begin to blossom! It doesn't matter what you look like... it doesn't matter how much you know -- and even less of who you know... it doesn't matter what your story has been: because now you are becoming a co-creator with the Holy One in re-creating every aspect of your life: this re-creation circles back to kindness -- to empathy and compassion -- for when you know yourself as of, by, and for Love, you know the "activist essential": so is everyone else! Now you will begin to live -- in the Holy Competition of Loving Loudly! Love is always about the good of the "other": in justice, equality, liberation, kindness, and beauty. For the mystic-activist, with one foot placed on the solid ground of "Rumi-Time", the other continues its daily walk of personal, social, religious, political, and economic transformation: imagine how much different life on this precious blue Planet would be if all of us were engaged in the Holy Competion of who can love more? Who can lead in implementing justice? Who can create the most opportunities for the full development and liberation of every person? Who can transform into Love Without Limits first? Adore this: surrender to this: become this: enter the Bliss of your Divine Potential: let your Today = Rumi-Time... and you will become -- as you were meant to be: a "guardian" of the future, of every child, and of this precious blue Planet...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022