And just exactly who are you?
Me? Yes, you: I mean me: but this goes for you, too! How do you answer this question? Do you answer with a name? With a gender? With a nationality? With a political or economic position? With a religious commitment? Or perhaps with a request for an oatmeal stout? And what if the question expands into where did I / you come from? Do you have the audacity to suggest that, while an egg and sperm were agents of your arrival, you really are made from stardust and laughter? Yep: both of us are stunningly cosmic: our atoms trace back to the Possibility of Ancient Star-Being asking 'What if?' and 'Why not?' From the Bliss of Original Divine Orgasm, here we are! As our atoms mix, mingle, and wander -- now here, now there -- the Cosmic Glue of Delight (one could just as well say 'laughter') keeps on shuffling and dealing the "cards" of existence and being... So, why the goddamn hell are we not realizing that we are all (and everything else besides) God-in-drag? Why do we insist upon this tired game of forgetfulness? So, there is going to be another election of President of the United States this coming November: to listen to the pundits and the polls and the delegate-counters, it'll be a choice between the 'distrusted' and the 'despicable': as if that is our only choice! The dominant system of power and privilege would have us believe their hype: oh, sure, many people do because of "wages and profits": and so we all (99% of us anyway) find ourselves stuck between a "rock and a hard place"... But if you look out on the margins, other stories are being told... like stories of stardust and laughter, of a Planet Alive, of the Divinity of the Human, of the sacredness of that coming together known as sex, of gender equality, of gentle communities, of sunshine on naked skin, of a rising consciousness readying for an evolutionary leap, of a return of the Divine Feminine -- the Mother -- within the Breath... and on and on into: every loving is sacred, people and the Planet are the only real profits, and we have within us and among us the Possibility of building the Earth into a Paradise sufficient for blessing the Original Starburst and Laughter...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022