![]() "I lay. Forgot my being, and on my love I leaned my face. All ceased. I left my being, leaving my cares to fade among the lilies far away." -- St. John of the Cross Beauty feeds the soul as a mother's milk feeds the infant at her breast. The Beloved Yeshua deliciously sucked the nipples of his Mother, receiving from her the divine nourishment he needed to someday become the Poet of Beauty... but it was not simply milk that he drank: he drank the essence of the Divine Feminine: the wine of Spirit: the "Blood" of Sophia, Sacred Wisdom, Gift of the Mother... It was in divine remembrance of this transmission that the man Yeshua climbed the Hill of Ecstasy to unleash the Poem of his Heart upon a world grown somber under the clenched fist of domination... Listen, as the poor heard him, so many centuries ago: "Beautiful are you who have embraced the poverty of your hearts... you are, even now, Welcomed Home! Beautiful are you who cry for the suffering of others... you will know the bliss of an always Opened Door! Beautiful are you who practice everyday kindness... you will yet create Paradise upon this Earth! Beautiful are you who awaken every morning with a passion for justice... you will be like the first who discovered Fire! Beautiful are you who become a living mercy for everyone you meet... you will receive more than you ever give! Beautiful are you who remember there is Only One Love... you will Kiss face to face! Beautiful are you who build peace with your lives... you will be known as the Lovers of Love! Beautiful are you who hurt for the cause of the Good, the Kind, and the Beautiful... you will know the Bliss of Endless Possibilities!" The subtle art of nursing from the Divine Breast is the work of contemplative prayer: for that prayer, silence and knees are essential... and yet that prayer must also be taken into the street... for that prayer, adoration as the breath of the heart is also essential... and yet that adoration must also include the entire Universe... for that prayer, the interior liberation of the Divine Feminine is most important: the transformation awaiting the Earth will be a complete "rEvolution" into the Beauty that the Mother initiated with Yeshua and the long line of Poets who followed him like Rumi, Francis, Hafiz, Hildegard, Theresa, Juan de la Cruz, Kabir, and Mirabai... The subtle art of nursing from the Divine Breast is the work of contemplative action: for that action, sisters and brothers are essential... and the formation of communities of both passion and play... for that action, an awakening into the benevolence of the Universe is essential... and the translation of that benevolence into practices and policies of mercy, kindness, equality, reverence for the Earth, and justice for all... and for that action, an awakening into the Divine Mystery of the Mother... and the liberation of every woman into safety, opportunity, equality, and wisdom leadership, both political and religious: the transformation awaiting humanity will be a complete "rEvolution" into the Beauty that the Mother initiated with her eternal "Why not?" in the joyous act of creation and evolution into the fullness of the Christ Consciousness in-filling all being and matter... Now join your name to the burgeoning list of mystic-activists: Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Ibn 'Arabi, Aurobindo, Mother Jones, Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Martin and Coretta Scott King, Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Dolores Huerta, Cesar Chavez, Vandana Shiva... and, of course, YOU!
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022