Choices! A young woman in Egypt posted on facebook something like: "I, a girl, am going to the Square. I will stand." One girl started a revolution -- and like every revolution, one still in the making. A group of young women in Russia recognized the many injustices in their country -- and having no power, chose to mock the "power" of the agents of the dominator paradigm running both Church and State. Arrested, shackled, jailed, and "tried" -- sentenced to two years in a Russian prison -- they are nevertheless heroic figures now all around the world... while Putin will be mocked forever... How many times was Gandhi jailed? How many times was Martin Luther King, Jr. jailed? How many times was Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Dorothy Day, and Daniel Berrigan jailed? How many years did Nelson Mandela "enjoy the hospitality" of South African prisons? How many years did Aung San Suu Kyi spend in house arrest in Burma? Each one of these many heroic figures chose to act as free women and men -- each in their own way challenging the "power" of the systems and agents of the dominator paradigm. Each will be remembered and cherished as co-creators of the Beloved Community that will inherit the Earth. Choices! We each possess the power of our lives, of our voices, of our collective wills to become activated for global transformation. We may not be given the responsibility / opportunity to suffer jail for our conviction that a new world is possible -- but we are required to use our voices and our votes! It is imperative that the power-agents behind Romney/Ryan not be victorious at the polls. If you value the dream of equality and justice for all -- no Republican should be elected to any office anywhere -- not that Democrats are the bees-knees -- but if Romney gets a couple of appointments to the Supreme Court it might be a generation before the possibility of change presents itself again. Choices! The most important choice of all is the choice to gather with others in small "sacred circles" to organize, to build communities of radiance and mindfulness, to activate compassion and explore dynamic possibilities for the emerging culture of reverence, adoration, and peace! I imagine these sacred circles encircling this entire precious blue Planet and networking to deepen our collective awakening... I'm in! Where are you? Together Towards One Love! Comments are closed.
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022