Yes We Can!

"Some people see things and say 'Why?'
But I dream things that never were, and I say, 'Why not?'"
--Robert Kennedy
"The end is the creation of the beloved community."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"An organizer's job is to help ordinary people to do extraordinary things." --Cesar Chavez
"Property -- the more common it is, the more holy it becomes."
-- St. Gertrude
"It has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Walk the street with us into history. Get off the sidewalk."
-- Dolores Huerta
"When I was among the crowd I raised my right fist and there was a roar. I had not been able to do that for twenty-seven years and it gave me a surge of strength and joy."
-- Nelson Mandela
"It is imperative that we save society and nature from the logic of profit and expand the commons."
-- Nicola Bullard
"Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world."
-- Jane Addams
Of the one hundred largest economies in the world, fifty one are corporations. Of these, forty-seven are U.S. based.
At least thirty-four thousand children under five years old die every day from hunger or preventable diseases.
The richest 400 people on the planet have as much wealth as the 3 billion who live on less than two dollars per day.
"In societies where women have higher status and are almost half the government, such as the Nordic nations, more fiscal priority is given to to caring policies such as universal health care, high quality child care, parenting education, and generous paid parental leave... When the status and power of women is higher, so also is a nation's general quality of life, and when it's lower, so is the quality of life for all."
-- Dr. Riane Eisler
"Today is the day for us to begin to
truly change the world."
-- John Perkins
"Love is an action, never simply a feeling."
-- bell hooks
"Let's be realistic, demand the impossible."
-- Che Guevara
But I dream things that never were, and I say, 'Why not?'"
--Robert Kennedy
"The end is the creation of the beloved community."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"An organizer's job is to help ordinary people to do extraordinary things." --Cesar Chavez
"Property -- the more common it is, the more holy it becomes."
-- St. Gertrude
"It has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Walk the street with us into history. Get off the sidewalk."
-- Dolores Huerta
"When I was among the crowd I raised my right fist and there was a roar. I had not been able to do that for twenty-seven years and it gave me a surge of strength and joy."
-- Nelson Mandela
"It is imperative that we save society and nature from the logic of profit and expand the commons."
-- Nicola Bullard
"Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon, and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world."
-- Jane Addams
Of the one hundred largest economies in the world, fifty one are corporations. Of these, forty-seven are U.S. based.
At least thirty-four thousand children under five years old die every day from hunger or preventable diseases.
The richest 400 people on the planet have as much wealth as the 3 billion who live on less than two dollars per day.
"In societies where women have higher status and are almost half the government, such as the Nordic nations, more fiscal priority is given to to caring policies such as universal health care, high quality child care, parenting education, and generous paid parental leave... When the status and power of women is higher, so also is a nation's general quality of life, and when it's lower, so is the quality of life for all."
-- Dr. Riane Eisler
"Today is the day for us to begin to
truly change the world."
-- John Perkins
"Love is an action, never simply a feeling."
-- bell hooks
"Let's be realistic, demand the impossible."
-- Che Guevara