This Bread is Rising!

"In this New Beginning there is the Poem,
and the Poem is within the Heart of the
Holy One,
and the Poem is the very Mystery of the
Holy One.
The Poem is the New Beginning with the
Holy One!
All things are imagined, created, and re-created through the Poem, and without the Poem there is nothing.
What is, and that which may be, are sourced in the Poem:
as the Poem becomes, consciousness rises into Being,
and Being is the joy of infinite possibilities,
and infinite possibilities make Light and Dark into One..."
"The true Christian religion consists neither in rites or Bibles or sermons or Sundays -- but in noiseless secret ecstasy and unremitted aspiration... in the universal church, in the soul of man, invisibly rapt, ever-waiting, ever responding to universal truths." -- Walt Whitman
The Manifesto of Radiance
Every human being exists within the Radiance of One Love: and has a spiritual hunger that sparks every love, every quest, and every creative act. This hunger for a complete, conscious, identification with One Love is the evolved essence of the mark of our humanity. And our very nature has been created specifically to be transfigured into the limitlessness of One Love... "We have been created by Love, for Love, to become Love." (Simone Weil) We have each been created as "verses" of the Poem -- awakening to this essential reality is the beginning of the rEvolution...
The limitlessness of One Love is rooted within every conscious heart inviting each of us continually into deeper awareness and a steady awakening into our destiny. Contemplative prayer opens layers of consciousness into a communion of body, mind, and soul with the One Love "Over Soul": a relationship in which the parts become the Whole...
The Poem is the Christ-Tao -- or Quantum -- Consciousness "stitched" into the very fabric of creation: awareness of the essential sacredness of everything and all being is core to the mystic-activist awakening... the intensity of living one's daily awakening is the unique power of infinite possibility within each moment: for the Good, for Service, for Liberation, and for Love...
Is "God" a vivifying question and force in your heart? Only a radical acceptance of that One Reality and force can liberate the human consciousness into the Potential of the Christ Consciousness: for incarnation now, moment-by-moment, in your breath, in your heart, in your life, and in your every act of Love... For this you were born!
The vivification of the Poem in your life is the Way... forward and upward is the direction: if humanity is to survive upon this precious blue Planet, survival must not be our goal! Our goal must be our own transfiguration into Love-without-Limits, and at the same time, the transfiguration of our time and place into Paradise... The ripening fruit on the Tree of Life is conscious evolution...
Towards A New Christ-in-the-World Spirit
Sanctifying desire from the abyss of soul-destroying asceticism is essential to an awakening life: with desire, the Holy One imagined "What if?"... with desire, the Holy One then answered "Why not?"... with desire, the Holy One created to Love, by Love, and for Love... with desire, all of creation is enlivened with possibilities and hope... with desire, magic, mystery, and mirth merrily manifest... with desire, hummingbirds fly, bees make honey, mothers suckle their young, lovers touch and caress, men learn the art of kindness, and prayers fly into the Mind of the One: all Good flows from Sacred Desire, all Beauty originates in Sacred Desire, all Mercy, Compassion, and Justice manifests Sacred Desire, and all Hope and Faith rises in the human heart through Sacred Desire... Every part and particle of the body is good and holy: and specifically made for Pleasure, Bliss, Communion, Liberation, and Radiance...
True asceticism -- true religion and the monastic spirit-- struggles to eliminate every injustice. True asceticism struggles to eliminate both greed and poverty. True asceticism struggles to eliminate every cause of hatred and violence. True asceticism struggles to eliminate every evidence of inequality and racism. True asceticism struggles to eliminate every "learned-need" to dominate, control, exploit, or oppress anyone or anything. True asceticism struggles in every way to bring in from the margins every person or people for an equal sharing of resources and opportunities. True asceticism is always about a transformation of consciousness from blame and shame into acceptance and adoration. True asceticism is always about the reconciliation of body, soul, and spirit into the Holy Trinity of Only One: in Love, without end...
True asceticism is the revelation of personal responsibility for the schizophrenia of world religions, world and national politics, society and culture, and military and business interests and powers. True asceticism is the will to speak truth and inject reality into the schizophrenia of the illusionists of the dominator paradigm: anything other (or less than) a bold, creative, radical honesty serves not liberation and transfiguration, but the continuing manipulation, coercion, and the ultimate destruction of this precious blue Planet -- and of the perfect beauty of the whole, integrated, human person...
True asceticism is acceptance of the mantle of active nonviolence in thought, word, and deed. The "manliness" of the exercise of brute power -- the essential and cultivated "spirituality" of the dominator paradigm -- threatens the very viability of human life and all life upon this Planet. Endorsed and "sanctified" by the major world religions, violence, exploitation, and oppression are the bitter fruits of corrupt theologies and vapid "spiritual leaders". True asceticism is the "recovery" of one's "right mind" through the active cultivation of the Sacred Feminine, of harmlessness, of equality, of justice, of kindness, of gentleness, of reverence for the earth, of the building of an earth democracy, and of the re-creation of all power to service and liberation... True asceticism -- the Christ Spirit -- is the "cath-holos", or "catholicity", of an all-embracing spirituality of both sanity and solidarity...
The sacred desire for unity, for Oneness, is always -- and only -- the fruit of that which has been interiorly achieved. Love does not originate or activate from anywhere outside of the human person: we have each, and all, been created by Love, for Love, to become Love. Love is both our essential nature and our core identity. Every step, every action, and every policy that moves us away from Unlimited Love is a movement into illusion and delusion. By the very same token, every thought, every act, and every policy that deepens or expands the horizons of Unlimited Love is a movement into conscious evolution and transfiguration. To Love means to both will and implement actions for the good of every "other". To Love means to interiorly identify every "other" as one's own sacred self: and then to serve, in every way, the others' liberation into the fullness of their possibilities. To Love means to eliminate every barrier to the other's full development. To Love means to transform every system into service and all power into compassion...
"Religion" must come to be understood as the manifestation of the "whole" into the life of the "one". The Divine Cosmic Consciousness, the Cosmos itself, and the interiorization of the Cosmic into the Christ-Tao- Mother within matter, all life, and supremely within every human, is never a private affair. To remember one's identity is to vitalize the rEvolution in a person responsible for and committed to Love-without-Limits: in this time and in this place: "I will engage in the crucial struggles of my people, and this precious blue Planet, for Equality, Justice, and Peace. I will engage my mind and my heart into a transformation for Service, Kindness, and Beauty. I will engage my every good possibility into a personal and global manifestation of Perfect Love."
The Manifesto of Liberation
"The gospel of Jesus is spoken in a world
intoxicated with death
mesmerized by death
convinced of the necessary rule of death
skillfully conniving with death
technologizing death
acceding to the omnipresence of death."
-- Daniel Berrigan
"Holy Moly! The Holy One is Alive and brings Peace on Earth: this Pleasure is Divine!"
"Hey, good citizen! Whatever you do to the undocumented immigrant, you do to me!"
"While you keep droning, on and on and on, I've got this to say: love your enemies and his children, pray for him and then create the conditions for genuine peace to be possible."
"Anyone who says that he loves the Holy One, and yet who does not treat the LGBTQ and Trans person equally is a liar. Anyone who does not love his transgender other -- whom he can see -- cannot even pretend to love the Holy One whom he cannot see!"
"Predatory capitalists lord it over everyone, including this entire Planet. In their delusion, they think they represent progress."
"I tell you, if you are actually interested, those who don't hide their money in tax-havens and shell-companies will surely know the 'Welcome Home' of the Holy One long before the exploiter and oppressor!"
"You know, the dominator always says 'an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth'. But that is the way of power: do not be deceived! You must creatively resist all oppression! If you are not being paid a just and living wage, you must organize for your rights! If you are facing a daunting force, you must offer loving resistance, organize for the long-haul, and trust that your children will outlive the bastards!"
"Every animal has a home, but I have come to you as one who is homeless."
"Go ahead, consider the lives of the rich and famous! See their luxury and constant indulgence! Be happy for them: they have their every want fulfilled! But look closer, and you will see they are eating and reveling in their doom and ultimate destruction."
"He has come to organize one hell-of-a party! Too bad for the predatory capitalist, none of them are going to be invited!"
"If someone has a little bit extra, while anyone on this precious blue Planet is hungry, that someone had better start organizing for a just society or else any love he might think he has within him will surely rot and stink to high heaven."
"The person with a bit more of any earthly good must share with those possessing less; the person with food to eat must welcome those with none to his own table. But even that is not enough! All of you must organize and create justice and the means to full development for everyone on this Planet! No more justifications or excuses!"
"This is all that I am interested in and asking of you: love each other as deeply as I have loved each one of you. There is no greater life than the life lived in service and compassion for every other: even to the point of complete life dedication and gift!"
While there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; where there is a man in prison, I am not free. -- Eugene Debs
"I am the one hungry! I am the one thirsty for justice! I am the stranger bringing my family to a strange land in the hope of finding work and opportunity for my children! I am the one sick with no health insurance and a Governor who doesn't care! I am the one imprisoned for selling drugs -- the only work that would pay the rent and put food on the table for my family stuck in the city ghetto! You created all the conditions of my poverty -- and you have the gall to say you love me?"
"The Way became evident: so we gathered together into intentional communities. We owned everything in common, selling all the extras we no longer needed to hoard: because sharing was our practical economics: we shared and served the poor, and advocated and organized to change policies. We gathered to pray and celebrate kindness and beauty daily: we had neighborhood pot-lucks! You really should have seen the contagion of happiness that we spread!"
"Among us, female is in every way equal to the male, there is no longer a separation of race or sexual preference: no, we all cherish and uplift each other. Our constant practice is kindness, generosity, and gratitude: by practicing love, we have learned that love is always enough."
"The Holy One takes a dim view of the predatory capitalist and so will tear down their mansions: the homeless will instead be welcomed home! The hungry will receive heaping portions of justice, while the rich will dine alone, endlessly, keeping all their fine silver and perfect white tablecloths: for what?"
"The Holy One surveyed all of creation and rejoiced! 'What if?' turned out even better than imagined!"
"He took bread and begged the good intentions of everyone: as bread is broken and shared, so too, Love endlessly breaks in the lover's heart and flows as a river of compassion unto all the earth."
"Property is theft." -- St. Basil
"The price of the kingdom is the food you give to those who need it." -- St. Leo the Great
"Feeding the hungry is a greater work than raising the dead." -- St. John Chrysostom
"It is certainly a greater and more wonderful work to change the minds of enemies, bringing about a change of soul, than to kill them." -- St. John Chrysostom
"By your good works you become the mothers of God." -- St. Francis
"Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system." -- Dorothy Day
"Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living!" -- Mother Jones
This Bread is Rising: For the Children, For the Earth!