Our power is in our soils. They sustain our every need. They are the starting place when we return to the land with a seed in hand. -- Poppy Okotcha / www.poppyokotcha.com
Soil is the source of all life, lierally and metaphorically. All life comes from the mother soil and returns to her. I love soil as my mother and take care of her. Soil contains earth, air, fire, and water. She is nature herself. -- Satish Kumar
Soil is the source of all life, lierally and metaphorically. All life comes from the mother soil and returns to her. I love soil as my mother and take care of her. Soil contains earth, air, fire, and water. She is nature herself. -- Satish Kumar
We're so impressed by our civilization and what it's done, with our machines, that we have a difficult time recognizing that the biological world is infinitely more complex. And we have no understanding really of how it works. Yet in most people's minds, nature looks simple and man's technology looks wonderfully complicated and elaborate. Something to be very proud of. In fact, our most elaborate technology, say computers, is only the tiniest fraction of the brain of a mouse. They couldn't do what a mouse does. -- Gary Snyder
Our passionate desire to understand in depth will not be attained by intellectual prowess or technological achievement, but by immersing ourselves in the divine, evolutionary story and committing ourselves to the contemplation and narration of that story in each new epoch.
-- Diarmuid O'Murchu
Pan-sacramentalism is, on the one hand, a spirituality of the mystic-knowing that every moment, everything, and everyone is available for / as an encounter with the Divine (Trinity) Consciousness that has birthed the cosmos... through Her sacred imagination... And on the other, is specifically the recognition of our experience of separation, our hunger for a participatory vision of wholeness, and an opportunity for a celebration of a communal and cosmic reintegration... person, planet, cosmos mutually arising...
Our passionate desire to understand in depth will not be attained by intellectual prowess or technological achievement, but by immersing ourselves in the divine, evolutionary story and committing ourselves to the contemplation and narration of that story in each new epoch.
-- Diarmuid O'Murchu
Pan-sacramentalism is, on the one hand, a spirituality of the mystic-knowing that every moment, everything, and everyone is available for / as an encounter with the Divine (Trinity) Consciousness that has birthed the cosmos... through Her sacred imagination... And on the other, is specifically the recognition of our experience of separation, our hunger for a participatory vision of wholeness, and an opportunity for a celebration of a communal and cosmic reintegration... person, planet, cosmos mutually arising...