"Divine Mother", More Than a Spiritual Orientation
"Anandamayi Ma was not a philosophical treatise.
She was a living breathing woman for whom descriptions like "enlightened" or "realized" fall so short as to diminish her.
Anandamayi Ma's feminine qualities weren't just those of an individual woman. She was truly an incarnation of the divine Feminine, the Goddess."
-- Ram Dass
(Be Love Now)
"Adore the divine feminine, adore the Divine Mother, pour out your soul in longing and passion and infinite receptivity to the Divine Mother."
-- Andrew Harvey
(The Return of the Mother)
She was a living breathing woman for whom descriptions like "enlightened" or "realized" fall so short as to diminish her.
Anandamayi Ma's feminine qualities weren't just those of an individual woman. She was truly an incarnation of the divine Feminine, the Goddess."
-- Ram Dass
(Be Love Now)
"Adore the divine feminine, adore the Divine Mother, pour out your soul in longing and passion and infinite receptivity to the Divine Mother."
-- Andrew Harvey
(The Return of the Mother)
"If there is to be a future, it will wear the crown of feminine design... You must grow in the divine consciousness until there is no difference between your will and hers, no motive except her impulsion in you, no action that is not her conscious action in you and through you."
-- Sri Aurobindo (Andrew Harvey, The Return of the Mother)
-- Sri Aurobindo (Andrew Harvey, The Return of the Mother)
"I realize that all the powers of the Mothers, of Tara, Durga, Kali, are in Mary. She has Tara's sublime tenderness; Durga's inaccessible silent calm force; the grandeur and terribilta of Kali. But Mary is also a woman, a poor woman and a human mother. In her the full path of the sacred feminine is lived. In her we have a complete image of the Divine Mother, an image at once transcendent and immanent, other-worldly and this-worldly, at once mystical and political and practical."
-- Andrew Harvey (The Return of the Mother)
"With whom can we compare you, O Mother of grace and beauty."
-- St. Bernard
"Any unbiased reading of the Magnificat makes clear, Mary was on the side of the marginal, the defeated, the scorned,and the poor in a very unmetaphorical sense... This core-truth is that the kingdom of God is here and lies all about us and can be seen and known by love -- and must be -- and then must be enacted with the same passion, unwavering intensity, and integrity as Mary and Christ did." -- Andrew Harvey (The Return of the Mother)
"Do works of charity. That is the best way of paying a visit to Mary." -- St. Therese of Lisieux
"The rich take what belongs to everyone, and claim they have the right to own it, to monopolize it." -- St. Basil
"Propert is theft." -- St. Basil
"The price of the kingdom is the food you give to those who need it." -- St. Leo the Great
"Feeding the hungry is a greater work than raising the dead." -- St. John Chrysostom
"We Christians do not bear arms against any country; we do not make war anymore." -- Origen
"A society that lives by organized greed or by systematic terrorism and oppression will always tend to be violent because it is in a state of persistent disorder and moral confusion. --
-- Thomas Merton
"The only real liberation is that which liberates both the oppressor and the oppressed at the same time. -- Thomas Merton
"The only way to truly overcome an enemy is to help him become other than an enemy.
-- Thomas Merton
"Peace cannot be built on exclusivism, absolutism, and intolerance. There can be no peace on earth without the kind of inner change that brings man back to his 'right mind'."
-- Pope John XXIII
"By Mary, with Mary, in Mary, for Mary." -- St. Louis Grignion de Montfort
Remember the Mother!
Serve the growing Christ! Serve the growing Christ!
-- Fr. Bede Griffiths
When you make the two, one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male, and the female not be female, then you shall enter the Kingdom.
-- Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas
Saints of all religions have attained God-realization through the simple concept of the Cosmic Beloved. Because the Absolute... is "inconceivable", human thought and yearning have ever personalized It as the Universal Mother...
Far into the night my dear friend discussed with me the need for world colonies founded on a spiritual basis... Utopia must spring in the mind before it can flower in civic virtue... inner reforms alone can lend permanence to outer ones. By stress on spiritual values, self-realization, a colony exemplifying world brotherhood is empowered to send inspiring vibrations far beyond its locale... -- Paramahansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi)
The Way That Can Be Followed
Is not The Eternal Way.
The Name That Can Be Named
Is not The Eternal Name.
Without-Name is the Origin
Of Heaven and Earth.
Has-Name is the Mother
Of Every Earthly Being.
-- Lao Tzu
Perceiving The Small is called enlightenment.
Protecting The Soft is called strength.
Employing The Great Mother's light
And repeatedly returning to her radiance
Without leaving your troubles behind
Is said to be merely practicing constancy.
-- Lao Tzu
Versions by Benjamin Hoff
The Eternal Tao Te Ching
The Philosophical Masterwork of Taoism
and Its Relevance Today
Mary as prophetic disciple is not the passive, humble handmaiden of traditional Catholicism, but a revolutionary prophetic voice calling out for the liberation of all who suffer the indignity of poverty and the inhumanity of oppression.
-- Mary McGovern Treyz,
Fordham University
The Woodstock Nation Hail Mary (Namaste-Ma)
Hail Mary, full of grit and grace, Divine Awakening is with You.
Truly blessed are You in Your poverty and in Your beauty!
And blessed is the Divine Child You have released upon the world!
Pray for us Workers and Poor, (oh we so Hope!)
Now and at Your hour of our liberation!
Om Peace Amen Namaste-Ma!
I am your Mother! -- Our Lady of Guadalupe