Quantum Consciousness
Love is the truth of our being: our very essence is love: "We were created by Love, for Love, to become Love" (Simone Weil)... We are holy beyond any calculation, living and breathing, in the Unity of the One Love "Quantum Consciousness"...
Oftentimes buried, yet still alive in our hearts, is the vision of Oneness, harmony, and delight... at any moment, anyone of us may decide to cultivate the spiritual tools that will uncover these hidden treasures...
Meaning may be extracted from myth by the threefold practice of "service, surrender, and solidarity"... Living is meant to be an adventure: being and doing, that which needs to be done... The day-to-day of blending mysticism and action is real life...
It is time for all of us to join in singing the Hymn to One Love: Soul... It is time for a Planetary transformation! It is time for vast throngs of peoples to gather together to generate the energy for exploring our divine-human possibilities for kindness and beauty... and to further the emerging transformation...
The mystic and quantum physicist are both aware of the vast fields of potential -- from the secret "nothingness" of atoms, to the grandest visions of enlightenment -- which is our human condition: more so than the religions, economics, and politics of fear, division, and domination... The seeds of divine life are the very patterns of the heart and soul: they merely await the day of their liberation...
The One Love -- Quantum -- Consciousness that creates, sustains, evolves, and animates all consciousness into an upward spiraling of awareness and awakening is, even now, calling out for co-creators to give birth to our pregnant possibilities... We need to empty, then broaden and deepen, our minds to embrace our potential for becoming -- with our every breath -- a blessing to all and everyone on this precious blue Planet...
The Quantum Consciousness who exists as "Inter-Being" -- "not separate" -- from all that is... and yet, always transcendent in Mystery... calls us to the path of remembrance: we need to remember that we too are existing as "inter-beings": interdependent with every other human being, past, present, and future and with the entire Planet upon which we live, move, and have our being: always "not separate", but "Only One"...
Our apparent divisions are the result of generations of life out of focus: facilitated by those who discovered how to profit from the cultivation of separation... While we are seemingly bound by our perceptions and personalities, as we are likewise bound by every manifestation of power over us: the divinity within us is awakening: we are, instead, boundless beyond appearances and form: we are linked to one another, to the stars even, and to the One Love Consciousness: this is who we really are -- not that!
We are awakening into the mystic awareness: we are beginning to unfold the wings of our liberation in many different ways: we are accepting personal responsibility for our lives by practicing yoga, meditation, mindfulness, organic eating, gardening, walking, bicycling, job-sharing, cooperative ventures, creative partnering, and a spiritual universalism... we are working for equality, social justice, peace-without-borders, economic justice and the redistribution of resources, and the reverence of the Planet... We are remembering that we are "Only One" and so can joyfully love one another...
We are creating new mystery-myths to live by: we are poets, musicians, artists, story-tellers, and community organizers (the Roman writer, Apuleius said, "Everyone should know that you can't live in any other way than by cultivating soul.")... So we are learning to trust our dreams, delight in our bodies, and cultivate our souls... we are learning to recognize an emerging culture of nonviolence, forgiveness, and reconciliation... we are learning to communicate to facilitate the communion of love that we seek for our children and for every child... and we are increasingly attuned to the path of vision-seeking and the practice of sacred-imagination...
We are beginning to understand that we are all called to the re-creation of a truly human community: the key missing ingredient in modern technological / industrial society... A truly human community places the highest value upon "right relationships": a relationship of reverence to the Earth and the life-systems it supports; reverence for place and work; reverence for a culture of affirmation, beauty, and kindness; reverence for the great human pursuits of philosophy, pleasure, and service; and reverence for all the ways of mutual-aid and cooperation...
We Are Soul-We Are Body-We Are Consciousness
Who are you? What is the goal of your life? It seems to us that if we are going to get serious about transformation, we need to begin with these two fundamental questions. If you would like a transformative retreat -- unlike any other -- dedicate a day, a week, or even better, a month to the question "Who am I?" But not asked like most questions are asked: as part of a conversation or debate. Forget that! Ask the question as the "backspace" on a computer keyboard: as any thought enters the mind: "backspace" to "Who am I?" Wipe everything out! Then...
Build "you" back up with, "What is the goal of my life?" In the same manner as with "Who am I?" -- "backspace" every thought that follows the question... for as long as you can... until...
"Backspacing" is an "empty mind" meditation... If you can "backspace" to the "you" before "you" were born: who will be there? "We were created by Love, for Love, to become Love" (Simone Weil). We are "mirrors" or "particles" of the One Love: we are soul, differentiated aspects of the One Soul: differentiated for the delight of the One Soul: we are needed by the One to give and receive Love: existence is a "Divine Play" of the One... As souls, we incarnate into the wombs of our mothers... eventually compelled to leave our "garden paradise", we experience a "wounding" in leaving: that wound begins to heal in our every encounter with love -- as it is likewise freshly opened with each slight, hurt, abuse, betrayal, abandonment, and suffering in life... As souls, we hunger for the Communion of Love: reminders of our true nature, our "garden paradise", and the "Over-Soul"... As souls, we temporarily inhabit bodies: to the degree that we identify as a body, we begin to accept "separation" as fact rather than the fiction that it is...
The great prophet of Unity, Yeshua the Poet, lived and taught only the primacy of Love: everything else he called upon to surrender to this ontological fact of our nature and existence. "Love one another as I have loved you" was a mystic call to the "garden paradise" of our primal memory: we are meant to be happy, safe, healthy, and wanted! Identified as soul, we are One with the Quantum Consciousness: pre-dating the 13.8 billion year existence of the Universe -- or "Multi-verse" as now thought... Identified as soul, we can recognize that our body is "in" our soul: and so relax and have a good laugh!
Wow! Pleasure is not our enemy -- but domination is! Delight is not a sin -- but the abuse of power is! Sexuality is not our enemy -- but attachment for the purpose of possession and control is! We are souls: created for the expansion of Love: we are meant to unfold and expand infinitely in Love... Our daily lives are supposed to be our temples of "service, surrender, and solidarity": radical expressions of manifested soul-love-in-action...We have been created to savor the wonder of the redwood tree and the flowering dandelion, to stare in awe at the Hubble photographs, to surrender to the kiss and caress of our lover, and to adore the Beauty that is everywhere... and then to create more beauty through our lives of artful action... The Holy One, the Quantum Consciousness -- the Living Spirit of Yeshua and Mother Mary, of Francis and Clare, of Hildegard and Eckhart, of Rumi and of ... you... -- is precisely and exactly present in every expansion of love, delight, justice, beauty, and compassion...