But it is not about you!

Yes, it is "my" personal responsibility to change the world. But change is not about "me"! Rather, it is about the "other". It is about the Beauty of the Holy One inviting us to imagine and build a world of equality, justice, peace, and harmlessness. It is about all the children of the world: they deserve, and they are worth, the very best!
The Holy One, our Beloved Friend, is the revelation of Imagination and Beauty as the Love-in-action of Divine -- Quantum -- Consciousness. This Love-- the "What if before the Big Bang" -- is the Divine Mother birthing, sustaining, renewing, and liberating every human, every creature, and all of creation into all of our divine possibilities. The "Old World" religions, politics, economics, and cultures rooted in the "dominator" model of relationship and social organization must all be swept away. (Read The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler).
Kindness, equality, gentleness, beauty, and justice are the watchwords of the New Creation even now coming into being. The Divine Mother, eclipsed for too long by a "Father God" whose followers have plagued this planet with their worship of greed, power, and violence, is once again casting her glance of light upon this Earth. The Heart at the center of creation is radiant with Love... our task is to listen, embrace one another, and form communities of workers and activists, mystics and revolutionaries, artists and lovers who will live as "birthing coaches" for the Beloved Community. "Lord make me an instrument of Your Peace, Justice, and Beauty" (after St. Francis).
"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere
sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at
the heart of creation."
--Sri Aurobindo