Gandhi Wise
Quantum physics has, in its own way, discovered an ancient mystic truth: "to observe is to create". Before the act of observation, sub-atomic "matter" exists only as "waves of possibilities". This is important for the mystic-quest because it correctly orients the seeker to the "place" of awakening: into the deep and good vibrations of these waves: the Divine Consciousness expressed as "OM-HU-AMEN" (the mystic Word upon which all creation is manifested). This at-one-ment with the secret rhythms, the hidden music, of the Universe is the height, breadth, and depth of the mystic life -- which then of necessity radiates outward into Service for Justice and Peace... and the saving reverence of this precious blue Planet: "Love the Holy One, Love Every One, Feed Every One"...
If then, the entire world were to be creatively imagined as a "Gandhi Ashram", what would be the "Seven Vows" of the students of this very intentional community? Consider:
1. Practice Beauty
2. Be Kind
3. Cause no harm
4. Be Forgiveness
5. Reverence Earth
6. Feed Everyone
7. Love Everyone.
If these "Seven Vows" were our collective deepest truths and intentions, how would the world begin to change? What responsibility do you bear for beginning this practice right now, in whatever circumstances that you find yourself?
"Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today." -- Mark Twain
This essential openness to the "magic" and the surprise of what might be possible is the taproot of Gandhian active nonviolence and the source of the great vision of Paradise: the Green Sanctuary of Peace. Only faith in the possibility of good dwelling within every "other" -- including within one's enemy -- is just cause for hope in Love. To nudge our religions, economics, politics, and cultures closer and closer to policies and practices of a contemplative Justice, Kindness, Equality, and Harmlessness is the work of the 21st century mystic-activist: recognizing that the fate of this precious blue Planet also hangs in the balance should be incentive enough to fully activate one's mind and heart into a vivifying soulful life.
Thus far, the 21st century is continuing the habits and patterns of the many centuries before: wanton destruction of the Earth; exploitation and greed as the norm of economics; continued theological justifications for oppressing and marginalizing women; and the world-wide epidemics of poverty and violence. This only too obvious "reality" is a "mirror image" of the negativity-plague infecting the human mind and soul: every curse, every judgment, every self-condemnation, every expression of hate are each and all like sledge-hammers pounding away at our brains: the impacts of each "hit" are incredibly damaging and eventually soul-altering: we steadily become that which we hate and loath. But on the other side of this "reality" is Wisdom: the Feminine Face of the Holy One: manifesting in our age as the little poor man of India, Mahatma Gandhi, whose "experiments in Truth" are a "map" for personal and Planetary transformation, and a "talisman" for the possibilities inherent within every human person. A study of the life and message of Gandhi -- and a vigorous daily practice of nonviolence in thought, word, and deed -- steadily calms the temptation to fear and despair, the twin "demons" who work their anti-magic in our consciences and so justify oppression, exploitation, intolerance, and violence. But more, when one feasts on active love the full splendor of both humanity and Earth become increasingly evident, and that evidence in turn cultivates imagination and passion for undiscovered possibilities: the nexus of the Divine is in the human heart, awakening into Love-Without-Limits.
The Great Wheel of Life completes its rEvolution in a return to Sophia: Wisdom, the Divine Mother. The dominator paradigm shoved greed, power, and violence into the forefront of both human consciousness and community: to the point of threatening the extinction of both. Gandhi, who's life was an experiment in Truth, continues to serve as a reminder: wisdom is the door to another Way: and the only way that leads to a future worthy of our children and this incredibly beautiful home we call Earth.
[Sophia: Wisdom: the Feminine Face of the One: Love-in-motion: weaving atoms and Universes together: the "ultimate string theory"... Sophia: Voices: Lao-Tzu, Siddhartha, Kuan Yin, Yeshua, Rumi, Mirabai, Rabi'a, Hildegard, Francis, Theresa, Eckhart, Kabir, Ramakrishna, Gandhi, Aurobindo, Yogananda, Anandamayi Ma, Bede Griffiths, Ram Dass, Andrew Harvey, Amma and still others... the known voices are greatly out-numbered by the unknown...]
Gandhi, An Autobiograph... The Story of My Experiments With Truth
Occupy Spirituality / Adam Bucko and Matthew Fox
Staying Alive / Vandana Shiva
Ojibwa Warrior... Dennis Banks and the Rise of the American Indian Movement / Dennis Banks with Richard Erdoes
Harvest for Hope / Jane Goodall
Deep Ecology / Bill McKibben
The Great Turning / David C. Korten
Warriors of Peace / Lanza del Vasto