A Modern Mystic Is...
A mystic is a person who has a "wide-angle lens" through which her soul views life and the world -- and the mysteries of the Universe... A mystic is a person who has awakened to the illusions of contradiction: body / spirit, mind / matter, soul / sensuality, high / low, good / bad, beautiful / ugly, and so on... A mystic is both disciplined and liberated, exactly free to love and adore in the moment... A mystic has an incredibly long view of things, the interconnections of everything and everyone give pause to wonder and delight, even as she works tirelessly for peace, justice, and equality and the well-being of all and the entire Planet... A mystic would gladly stand aside so the dogs could enter Paradise before her... A mystic is so utterly "no-one" that she is everyone, and so in-tune with her soul that she is only one...
Perhaps most importantly, a mystic is a person who has embraced the meaning of the twenty-first century: a towering opportunity for everyone to take an rEvolutionary leap forward into the bliss of enlivened, divine, possibilities... These "blissful, divine, possibilities" are only unveiled through the core practices of universal kindness, justice, and adoration...
A mystic is a person who understands that the adoration of profit, privilege, and power is the corruption of the mind, body, and soul...
A mystic is a person who intuits the mystery of Unity in transcendence and immanence... and contemplates as if in the arms of her lover...
A mystic is a person who laughs at what is funny... and that which is funny is never cruel... A mystic is tickled with the certainty that the Divine Consciousness is not Self-Obsessed and so does not need to harm anyone: the Divine is not a cruel joke...
A mystic is a person who consistently chooses honesty and defends those who are harmed...
A mystic is a person who has opened her mind to the nonviolent powers of the Divine Feminine -- the Mother -- as the essential quality that births all that is humbly true, kindly beautiful, and graciously generous... This quality is Father-Mother, Allah, Buddha-Mind, and Radha-Krishna audacity: the complete integration of "person"...
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female not be female... then you shall enter the kingdom." (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22)
A mystic is a person who can read with her heart these mystic-words of the Christ Consciousness localized in Yeshua the Poet of Nazareth and wonder just how it is that so many folks are angered or flustered by the thought of transgender access to the restroom of their choice, when the real question is why the hell aren't all women and every child so safe from predatory and violent men that they can't choose to be naked anytime they want and always be safe and respected? Why do men think that they have a divine right to be violent and to harm others -- especially women and children? A mystic is a person who knows that it is high time for a new definition of what it means to be a man: a needed first step in cultivating this new definition of "man" will require that men who are professionally "religious" shut the fuck up: their institutions and theologies need serious re-inventions...
A mystic is a person who celebrates the surprise of birth: to be born is a song of adoration: to be born is an "original blessing"... A mystic is a person who likewise celebrates the bliss of sexual delight and creative invention: all the ways that humans take and give pleasure and surrender are good and beautiful -- among consenting adults... It is never justifiable to cause sexual harm to any other human being...
A mystic is a person who lives in such a way as to reference everything to the Divine Mother... everything is a reflection of the Mother... She is the Way of Transformation... She is the Ladder of Evolution... She is the Energy that is carrying All Things to completion... A mystic is a person who is awakening to this Mystery of the Female as the Mirror and the Window of the Divine Consciousness...
A mystic is a person who is exploring her consciousness as an agent of a divine mothering: it is the task of the mother to creatively articulate possibilities into consciousness: to bring about birth... to nurture... to demand the right of food, safety, happiness, and well-being... to incarnate the intimacy and justice of Paradise in the home and on Earth...
A mystic is a person who lives the everyday in her activated compassion: this A.C. is the real power present everywhere in the Universe: plug in: freely distribute...
A mystic is a person who might observe the rituals of Shamanism, Goddess, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Pagan, etc. But she might also ignore every ritual or create her own... A mystic appreciates each color of a rainbow and, while she might have a favorite, would never think that one color was better or worse than another... Besides, she has intuited that there are an infinite number of colors that her current set of eyes and awareness cannot yet see...
A mystic is a person who delights in the audacity of belief: she knows that her individualized consciousness is a spark of the One Consciousness and that her single task is to remember and live her radical truth... She is conscious of the re-birthing of the entire cosmos with every breath: she is the death of the out-going breath and the birth of the in-coming breath and in that still point between the two, there is the holy Ground of Paradise: the gate is the breath and angels await the mystic-traveler with a welcome of luscious fruit...
"There is a crack in everything... that's how the light gets through..." (Leonard Cohen)
A mystic is a person who is tightly bound to the vivification of practice: the centering of the mind, then the heart, in the "crack" that is the Name is how the Light gets in... Dedicating her adoration and repetition of the Divine Name to the "One Love Blessing", the happiness, safety, health, and well-being of every other being, calls forth the Light and is the activating principle of compassion... She opens wide the doors of her heart... She advocates and organizes for justice, equality, and peace... Her life is an expression of a cause, not the resignation of an excuse...
A mystic is a person who can cook as if making love... and make love an infinite meal...
A mystic is a person who has no fear of science but who delights in the quest for knowledge and truth -- even when it might be uncomfortable... She sees all things as she sees her lovers, all things are filled with dancing atoms, now here and now there... Her Lover is everywhere having penetrated everything with the first Original Thought... All that can claim a fraction of "Is": is Revelation: as it was in the Beginning, is Now, and ever shall Be, Love without end...
A mystic is a person who is living in the politics, economics, and culture of love without limits: every privilege, profit, or power is called to enter into the liberation and full development of every other... Those on the margins must be brought into the center through a new politics, economics, and culture of justice, equality, and peace...
A mystic is a person whose symbol is an apron and whose weapon is a broom... whose hands can turn and carry the writing instruments of justice... whose hands can raise in a fist and say, "This far and no further", and then begin the push-back... whose voice can break into song or lift mountains with divine anger... She might at any moment be scared shitless, but she will not stand aside or back down... She knows that her turn to die will come -- as it does for everyone -- but she is enraptured by the knowing that this her time for life and she will damn well live...
A mystic is a person who can celebrated her foibles and acknowledge her failures... she can forgive herself and others... She has been visited by the Divine Angel of Non-attachment: together they shed the tears of laughter at the silliness of the ego that had its day in the sun...
A mystic is a person who has awakened to the "little brown speck" who is God... The Divine One is so small, so fragile, so tender, so humble, and so delightful: She is also so embarrassed by all the Big Religions...
A mystic is a person who is wild with sexual passion: wild in either abandon or in celibacy... She can give and receive an infinite amount of pleasure... and she doesn't need to bother with definitions of either good or bad: she causes no harm and will not allow harm to be caused. She is a Feast: body, mind, and soul... She is Fire... She is as deep as any human being can get...
A mystic is a person who is about the daily work of pregnancy: it is her work to attune to the deepest currents of life and to plunge into the Source and to give birth to a life of great meaning and passion... She lives as the Divine Bride: she is radical grace, contemplative action, animator of community, and creator of family: she is the well-spring of Tribe... She is the Mother among us... a co-creator of the tender bliss that is both Source and Destiny... And it all happens with the turning of her beads and the repetition of the Name: now in her home, and now arrested for civil disobedience and in jail: every moment is the birth of a brand new day...