A Radiant Life Vision
The most fundamental human desire is for happiness... and following happiness, there is the wonder, "Might I be able to find bliss?" So if a radiant life does not seem to be in your reach, just as it does not seem to be in reach for our precious blue Planet, perhaps it is time for you to ask yourself "Why?" Perhaps, too, you might consider a little "vision enhancement"...
Vision... not the seeing that is done with the eyes,
but the seeing that happens
when the heart has been broken open and apart by Love.
Not the seeing of what is,
but rather the seeing of what could be.
And on a still deeper level,
the seeing of that which is really Real,
the hidden wisdom and grace of the Holy One
transforming and loving without limits.
The Radiant Life Vision is our conscious, committed,
remembrance of this Mystery, this Way,
and then to become its companion...
If St. Thomas Aquinas was correct when he wrote,
"The existence of all things derives from God's beauty",
then the really Real cannot be the brokenness,
the loneliness, the fears, the abandonment,
the addictions, the abuses, the injustices,
the poverty, the greed, the racism,
the sexism, the violence, and the justifications
that are around us and seemingly everywhere.
For those on the mystic / activist path,
if we do nothing else,
we must bear witness to that
which is both within and beyond
the appearance of "life is suffering".
The "within and beyond"
is that which truly derives
from the beauty of the Holy One.
The "within and beyond"
is the divine potential in every human person,
which will be manifested collectively
in the full development and liberation of all.
Can't you see the beauty,
the radiance, the love-able-ness,
and the possibilities inherent in every person?
Can't you see a time, a place,
a world of justice, equality, peace,
kindness, gentleness, and, finally, the reconciliation of opposites?
The Holy One is yet breathing life and love upon the universe.
The Holy One, our Loving Mother,
is giving birth, right now, to the New Creation.
The mystic path is the dawning realization
that life is paradise,
and that the New Creation exists in this very moment.
Right now, for eyes that are willing to see,
they gaze out upon wondrous Beauty!
The "within and beyond" is reconciling
and transfiguring every person and all of creation
into the all-in-all of Love Without Limits.
This is the promise and this is the Way.
We become instruments of peace and beauty
as we learn to surrender
to the transforming power of Mystery.
As we align ourselves with the Way of nonviolence,
justice, community, service, and meditation,
we discover that every moment acquires
a deep meaning and purpose.
We begin to live in such a way
that Love becomes our daily goal,
our daily striving, and finally our very Name.
But, fair warning: this Mystery will penetrate your heart,
and break it over and over again,
until only Love remains.
And you will know, at long last,
the liberation promised those who have dared the quest.
"Suppose it never, ever comes true, and there is no paradise... well, I'll still go on preaching. And yet how simple a matter it is: in one day, in one hour it could all be brought about at once! The chief thing is to love others as oneself, that's the main thing, and that's it -- absolutely nothing more is necessary: you would immediately discover how to bring it about."
--Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Dream of a Ridiculous Man