The Way of Radiance: a Mystic-Activist Life
"In the Name of the Holy One, Boundlessly Compassionate, Boundlessly Merciful... Beauty within Beauty within Beauty"... Such a blessing for the day, such a blessing for one's life journey! We "become" in submission to this Divine Secret, whispered by the Holy One into our heart, into the still space between the beats: "Come to me my Beloved, my Love, dearest one of my Heart. Come to me..." With each breath, these words, this movement... at-one with both the whirl of atoms and the spin of galaxies... everything has it's being within this Call, "Come to me, my Beloved"...
This Sacred Mystery expands and deepens as the Call of the One, becomes the Call for the Many... "Come to me my Beloved... And bring All the Others with you. Leave no one behind, for I would abandon no One -- and so you must bring everyone with you". The whirl of atoms and the spin of galaxies become as a soup-ladle, lifted and poured out upon the Bread that is your Body, to likewise be lifted up and given to the world, given to those who hunger for justice and who thirst for hope... everyone will find their safety, their health, and a joyous homecoming for their heart, lifted up by the wings of the Holy One, "Come to me, my Beloved... every One is Wanted"...
Centered within the awareness of the sacred gift of our breath, we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I thank You". We let that awareness deepen and expand to include our loved ones, our communities and regions, all living beings and all inanimate things, until our awareness has included this entire precious planet. We let that awareness then receive the terrible weight of all suffering within our lives, within our loved ones, our communities, regions, all living beings and all inanimate things, until our awareness has included all suffering on this precious planet. We breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I bless You"... we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I will remember You"... we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I will give you reason to hope"...
"Open Hearts, Open Hands" is the spiritual foundation and "root" practice of the Way... of "radiant, or bhakti yoga"... and the essence of the "little sufi heart"... [The "Big Sufi Heart" perhaps has its origins on the edges of historical Islam -- although sufis generally say both "yes" and "no" to that possibility.] How blessed we are to be alive at this moment of human history! While the news would have us tempted to think hope and love might not actually win the day, a great transformation is occuring right under the radar of both the mainstream news and the big-shot religious pros...
Magic is afoot: an inter-faith movement is occuring to "liberate" the world's prophets and wisdom teachers from the confines of all the decaying orthodoxies. They have had their day, and hand-in-hand with those others who have made power and greed their gods, they have brought this planet to the edge of ruin. Our expanding awareness will no longer in silence accept their catastrophic judgements and justifications. Abraham, Moses, Yeshua, Muhammad, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Babaji, Kuan Yin, Rabia, Rumi, Hafiz, Mirabai, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Anandamayi Ma, and all Universal Wisdom Teachers belong to all the Earth and to all of us -- even as we surrender our hearts and lives unto the Holy Beauty of the Divine Mother... We will no longer be dominated by creeds of fear and theologies of power. The Holy One is our Beloved Friend who would truly have us "love one another" and then co-create new relationships and institutions of mutual liberation, full development, and social justice -- leaving no one out and no one behind...
The Way is Kindness as a daily practice. The Way is attuning one's mind and body to the deep rhythms of the Earth and the Universe. The Way is accepting personal responsibility for the health and well-being of one's neighbors and all beings -- no excuses and no exceptions. The Way is poetry, play, and love-making until we become, like Yeshua, Francis, Rumi, and Mirabai, love-beings: In the Name of the Holy One, Boundlessly Compassionate, Boundlessly Merciful... Beauty within Beauty within Beauty..."
hiding, nevermore
my heart is opened for You
--kiss me, touch me, here
This Sacred Mystery expands and deepens as the Call of the One, becomes the Call for the Many... "Come to me my Beloved... And bring All the Others with you. Leave no one behind, for I would abandon no One -- and so you must bring everyone with you". The whirl of atoms and the spin of galaxies become as a soup-ladle, lifted and poured out upon the Bread that is your Body, to likewise be lifted up and given to the world, given to those who hunger for justice and who thirst for hope... everyone will find their safety, their health, and a joyous homecoming for their heart, lifted up by the wings of the Holy One, "Come to me, my Beloved... every One is Wanted"...
Centered within the awareness of the sacred gift of our breath, we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I thank You". We let that awareness deepen and expand to include our loved ones, our communities and regions, all living beings and all inanimate things, until our awareness has included this entire precious planet. We let that awareness then receive the terrible weight of all suffering within our lives, within our loved ones, our communities, regions, all living beings and all inanimate things, until our awareness has included all suffering on this precious planet. We breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I bless You"... we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I will remember You"... we breathe in "I love You" and we exhale "I will give you reason to hope"...
"Open Hearts, Open Hands" is the spiritual foundation and "root" practice of the Way... of "radiant, or bhakti yoga"... and the essence of the "little sufi heart"... [The "Big Sufi Heart" perhaps has its origins on the edges of historical Islam -- although sufis generally say both "yes" and "no" to that possibility.] How blessed we are to be alive at this moment of human history! While the news would have us tempted to think hope and love might not actually win the day, a great transformation is occuring right under the radar of both the mainstream news and the big-shot religious pros...
Magic is afoot: an inter-faith movement is occuring to "liberate" the world's prophets and wisdom teachers from the confines of all the decaying orthodoxies. They have had their day, and hand-in-hand with those others who have made power and greed their gods, they have brought this planet to the edge of ruin. Our expanding awareness will no longer in silence accept their catastrophic judgements and justifications. Abraham, Moses, Yeshua, Muhammad, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Babaji, Kuan Yin, Rabia, Rumi, Hafiz, Mirabai, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Anandamayi Ma, and all Universal Wisdom Teachers belong to all the Earth and to all of us -- even as we surrender our hearts and lives unto the Holy Beauty of the Divine Mother... We will no longer be dominated by creeds of fear and theologies of power. The Holy One is our Beloved Friend who would truly have us "love one another" and then co-create new relationships and institutions of mutual liberation, full development, and social justice -- leaving no one out and no one behind...
The Way is Kindness as a daily practice. The Way is attuning one's mind and body to the deep rhythms of the Earth and the Universe. The Way is accepting personal responsibility for the health and well-being of one's neighbors and all beings -- no excuses and no exceptions. The Way is poetry, play, and love-making until we become, like Yeshua, Francis, Rumi, and Mirabai, love-beings: In the Name of the Holy One, Boundlessly Compassionate, Boundlessly Merciful... Beauty within Beauty within Beauty..."
hiding, nevermore
my heart is opened for You
--kiss me, touch me, here
Love is the Way...
Pray and Love! Pray and Love! And the magnificent Dance of the Holy One will again and again enliven your soul. Look! Love is Alive! Love is re-creating every moment, everyone, and everything with the everlasting Shining Light of the Holy One! Only Love Is! Love is the Source, Love is the Way, and Love is our Home. With the beauty of the quest enlivening our hearts, we should arise each morning with a Prayer of Gratitude on our lips: Holy One, Beloved Friend, Lover of Surprises, thank you for the gifts of my breath and of this day. Enliven my heart with a great passion to love and to be loved. I dedicate my thoughts, words, and actions to the celebration of Your Love. Divine Mother, make me an instrument of Your Beauty!
Consecrating the day to the practice and Way of Love is the beginning... remembering is the challenge! Centering your mind and heart in the Divine Mother and practicing the Prayer of Remembrance (the mindful repetition of a Name or Attribute of the Holy One) creates an interior atmosphere of peaceableness and allows for many conscious moments of grace. Wiping tables, chopping vegetables, answering questions, filling out forms, driving the highway, responding to a crisis, feeding a child, scrubbing the toilet, mopping the floor, visiting friends, teaching a class, diagnosing a patient, negotiating a contract, mediating a dispute, entering data on a computer -- any and every task that fills our day is, in truth, pregnant with paradise! One final essential point for this consecrating and centering to be powerful and effective must be consistently applied: always do your enthusiastic best, but do that best without attachment to specific results. You have dedicated -- or given -- your thoughts, words, and actions to the Holy One. So do not "take them back" by needing control over all the outcomes.
Close... then open your eyes! The Holy One, our Beloved Friend, is gifting you with life! The Holy One is breathing a Love-Breath into you this very moment! Choose to say "I love You!" and "I thank You!" as often as possible, and then witness the steady transformation of the mundane into the extraordinary!
With the grace of a humble, honest practice, meditation leads to a greater capacity for mindfulness in work and daily life. Meditation can slowly encompass the whole day and give it real quality, depth, and blessedness. As we hold our hands in peaceful repose during meditation, so too during our daily activities our hands become special instruments of blessing... as we practice this "radiant yoga", we will assist in the loving transformation of the precious blue Planet into "One Love"...
Don't lose an opportunity to bless someone or something! A gentle touch on someone's shoulder and a silent (or verbal) "One Love Blessing" can do so much good. And, of course, the Holy One can never be outdone in generosity or blessing: St. Francis said, "It is in giving that I receive." The blessings you will receive when you live your moments of every day dedicated to the Divine Mother, centered in the Way of Love, will overwhelm the fear, despair, and darkness that are part and parcel of every human life and community. This is all the rich, good, beautiful "stuff" with which we are to work in building the Beloved Community of Peace and Justice. Through this practice of the Way of Love -- as your daily work -- the sacred and holy will become your constant companion. Remembering becomes easy when you are in Love...
Consecrating the day to the practice and Way of Love is the beginning... remembering is the challenge! Centering your mind and heart in the Divine Mother and practicing the Prayer of Remembrance (the mindful repetition of a Name or Attribute of the Holy One) creates an interior atmosphere of peaceableness and allows for many conscious moments of grace. Wiping tables, chopping vegetables, answering questions, filling out forms, driving the highway, responding to a crisis, feeding a child, scrubbing the toilet, mopping the floor, visiting friends, teaching a class, diagnosing a patient, negotiating a contract, mediating a dispute, entering data on a computer -- any and every task that fills our day is, in truth, pregnant with paradise! One final essential point for this consecrating and centering to be powerful and effective must be consistently applied: always do your enthusiastic best, but do that best without attachment to specific results. You have dedicated -- or given -- your thoughts, words, and actions to the Holy One. So do not "take them back" by needing control over all the outcomes.
Close... then open your eyes! The Holy One, our Beloved Friend, is gifting you with life! The Holy One is breathing a Love-Breath into you this very moment! Choose to say "I love You!" and "I thank You!" as often as possible, and then witness the steady transformation of the mundane into the extraordinary!
With the grace of a humble, honest practice, meditation leads to a greater capacity for mindfulness in work and daily life. Meditation can slowly encompass the whole day and give it real quality, depth, and blessedness. As we hold our hands in peaceful repose during meditation, so too during our daily activities our hands become special instruments of blessing... as we practice this "radiant yoga", we will assist in the loving transformation of the precious blue Planet into "One Love"...
Don't lose an opportunity to bless someone or something! A gentle touch on someone's shoulder and a silent (or verbal) "One Love Blessing" can do so much good. And, of course, the Holy One can never be outdone in generosity or blessing: St. Francis said, "It is in giving that I receive." The blessings you will receive when you live your moments of every day dedicated to the Divine Mother, centered in the Way of Love, will overwhelm the fear, despair, and darkness that are part and parcel of every human life and community. This is all the rich, good, beautiful "stuff" with which we are to work in building the Beloved Community of Peace and Justice. Through this practice of the Way of Love -- as your daily work -- the sacred and holy will become your constant companion. Remembering becomes easy when you are in Love...
Service for Justice and Nonviolence
"There are love stories, and there is obliteration into love... The Way of Love is not a subtle argument. The door there is devastation."
"I think the purpose of the Catholic Worker, quite aside from our social aims, is to show the providence of God, how God loves us. We are a family, not an institution, in atmosphere, and so we address ourselves especially to families, who have all the woes of insecurity, sin, sickness, and death, side by side with the joys of family. We talk about what we are doing, because we constantly wonder at the miracle of our continuance. This work came about because we started writing of the love we should have for each other, in order to show our love of God. It's the only way we can know we love God."
--Dorothy Day
"Obliteration into's the only way we can know we love God." One of the most pernicious temptations for every person of faith is the temptation to center that faith inside one's head. In other words, to recite with the crowd the Creed or some other Profession of Faith, and then to conclude that it is by right belief that one will be "saved" -- presumably by a "God" who keeps a check-list of correct thinking. Some others intuit that faith might, or perhaps should, descend from the head into the heart... (they are on the way!). Too often though, "the heart" becomes confused with "the emotions", another thing of the mind...
The "heart", in the universal mystic experience, is not the place of one's emotional life. Rather, the heart is the essence of a person's Real Reality and Real Self. The heart is the warrior's place of encounter with the Holy One -- but only after fierce battle with the ego whose power to shift and twist like the wind wrecks havoc with the mind and every definition of "should", "must", "agree", and "obey". The heart is the soul's prayer rug, the small, holy place, of surrender and adoration. The heart is the sacred space for the soul's baptism into identification with the Holy... entering into the heart is our one great human obligation: it is why we were born, and it is the very threshold of Paradise.
The Way into the heart is a "multi-layered" experience and journey. An absolutely essential practice is service for justice and nonviolence. Remember "the very threshold of Paradise"? One person at a time cannot cross that threshold -- not even groups, clubs, secret societies, and all the way up the list to include churches or even entire religions. Everyone must cross at the same time or else no one can cross! (None of the egos, not the big ones, nor all the little ones, like the mention of this crushing -- especially since they are all convinced they have purchased special, front row, tickets to the paradise show).
Service for justice and nonviolence is a core practice of the Way because it facilitates an ever deepening awareness that we are all in this together. We are all here on this precious planet to learn how to give ourselves over to the Beauty that is Love. This surrendering is the true story of our lives -- and there is no better means to any of this than the daily practice of mercy, compassion, and kindness. Aware of the pain and suffering in the world, we activate our lives to become instruments of both local and global change and transformation. Politial action for social justice, equal rights and opportunities for all, economic democracy, environmental protection and restoration, abundant simplicity for all, and international peace-building and disarmament, are each and all sacred endeavors requiring passionate life-long commitments. Nonviolent civil action and disobedience are valuable tools for activists on the Way. Gandhi, through his "experiments in truth" has provided us with a roadmap for the changes that will save this planet and the fragile life systems it sustains.
The politics of the Way of Love catapults us into a radical re-ordering of relationships and community -- all the way up to include the national and international. If we are on the Way of Love, we will then, inevitably, realize that we can truly possess nothing for everything belongs to the Holy One. So now, once again with a deepening awareness, we begin to activate our ontological poverty by sharing all wealth equally and building bridges of justice between every "us" and "them".
Faith and hope mingle and meet in the opening heart. That precious mingling gives birth to Love in our now "obliterated" heart. We've been broken apart and open, that we might bear one anothers' burdens and just as importantly, learn to "bear the beams of Love" continuously pouring into us. This direct experience of the mercy of the Holy One now begins to intently re-focus our everyday lives on the practice of compassion and justice for all. The perverse competition of greed becomes now the Holy Competition of Loving Loud: and the race to the top becomes instead, "Together, We Can Create Paradise for Every Child"...
"We are put on earth for a little space,
that we may learn to bear the beams of love."
--William Blake
"...The ideal demands the solidarity of all living things."
--Albert Einstein
"The life of the individual has meaning only in so far as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful."
--Albert Einstein
"Compassion means justice. And compassion is just to the extent that it gives to each person what is his or hers."
--Meister Eckhart
"I think the purpose of the Catholic Worker, quite aside from our social aims, is to show the providence of God, how God loves us. We are a family, not an institution, in atmosphere, and so we address ourselves especially to families, who have all the woes of insecurity, sin, sickness, and death, side by side with the joys of family. We talk about what we are doing, because we constantly wonder at the miracle of our continuance. This work came about because we started writing of the love we should have for each other, in order to show our love of God. It's the only way we can know we love God."
--Dorothy Day
"Obliteration into's the only way we can know we love God." One of the most pernicious temptations for every person of faith is the temptation to center that faith inside one's head. In other words, to recite with the crowd the Creed or some other Profession of Faith, and then to conclude that it is by right belief that one will be "saved" -- presumably by a "God" who keeps a check-list of correct thinking. Some others intuit that faith might, or perhaps should, descend from the head into the heart... (they are on the way!). Too often though, "the heart" becomes confused with "the emotions", another thing of the mind...
The "heart", in the universal mystic experience, is not the place of one's emotional life. Rather, the heart is the essence of a person's Real Reality and Real Self. The heart is the warrior's place of encounter with the Holy One -- but only after fierce battle with the ego whose power to shift and twist like the wind wrecks havoc with the mind and every definition of "should", "must", "agree", and "obey". The heart is the soul's prayer rug, the small, holy place, of surrender and adoration. The heart is the sacred space for the soul's baptism into identification with the Holy... entering into the heart is our one great human obligation: it is why we were born, and it is the very threshold of Paradise.
The Way into the heart is a "multi-layered" experience and journey. An absolutely essential practice is service for justice and nonviolence. Remember "the very threshold of Paradise"? One person at a time cannot cross that threshold -- not even groups, clubs, secret societies, and all the way up the list to include churches or even entire religions. Everyone must cross at the same time or else no one can cross! (None of the egos, not the big ones, nor all the little ones, like the mention of this crushing -- especially since they are all convinced they have purchased special, front row, tickets to the paradise show).
Service for justice and nonviolence is a core practice of the Way because it facilitates an ever deepening awareness that we are all in this together. We are all here on this precious planet to learn how to give ourselves over to the Beauty that is Love. This surrendering is the true story of our lives -- and there is no better means to any of this than the daily practice of mercy, compassion, and kindness. Aware of the pain and suffering in the world, we activate our lives to become instruments of both local and global change and transformation. Politial action for social justice, equal rights and opportunities for all, economic democracy, environmental protection and restoration, abundant simplicity for all, and international peace-building and disarmament, are each and all sacred endeavors requiring passionate life-long commitments. Nonviolent civil action and disobedience are valuable tools for activists on the Way. Gandhi, through his "experiments in truth" has provided us with a roadmap for the changes that will save this planet and the fragile life systems it sustains.
The politics of the Way of Love catapults us into a radical re-ordering of relationships and community -- all the way up to include the national and international. If we are on the Way of Love, we will then, inevitably, realize that we can truly possess nothing for everything belongs to the Holy One. So now, once again with a deepening awareness, we begin to activate our ontological poverty by sharing all wealth equally and building bridges of justice between every "us" and "them".
Faith and hope mingle and meet in the opening heart. That precious mingling gives birth to Love in our now "obliterated" heart. We've been broken apart and open, that we might bear one anothers' burdens and just as importantly, learn to "bear the beams of Love" continuously pouring into us. This direct experience of the mercy of the Holy One now begins to intently re-focus our everyday lives on the practice of compassion and justice for all. The perverse competition of greed becomes now the Holy Competition of Loving Loud: and the race to the top becomes instead, "Together, We Can Create Paradise for Every Child"...
"We are put on earth for a little space,
that we may learn to bear the beams of love."
--William Blake
"...The ideal demands the solidarity of all living things."
--Albert Einstein
"The life of the individual has meaning only in so far as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful."
--Albert Einstein
"Compassion means justice. And compassion is just to the extent that it gives to each person what is his or hers."
--Meister Eckhart
Remembrance Meditation
"La Illaha, Il Allahu"
The practice of the presence of the Holy One, or Remembrance Meditation, is common to every mystical tradition. In the Christian Orthodox tradition, the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me a sinner) is their radiant interior Sun. For Catholics, the Rosary holds special sway. Hindus and Buddhists teach japa mantra meditation -- the prayer of the breath linked to the silent repetition of a Holy Word or Divine Name. This same essential practice is the heart of Islam and sufi prayer. Regardless of path, though, mystic lovers know:
"Love shreds
The veil of religion
And reveals
There is really Only One
On both this side
And that..."
The sufi secret "La Illaha, Il Allahu" is the passionate heart of love awakening to the One Heart, the One Love, which is both Source and Center of the person and the universe. This silent breath prayer -- "La Illaha" with the outgoing breath: parting the veil of Mystery; nothing separate; there is none but the Holy One; look beyond what you see; let go of identity as self, with opinions and judgments; strip away the illusory "I" with all of it's negativity, fear, anger, hatred, and violence; discard everything that is not soul within soul within soul, the pure presence of Beauty... briefly rest there...
"Il Allah" with the incoming breath: One Love; Only Love; surrender within exhaltation, there is only the Holy One; surrender to the infilling grace; recognize the abundance of peace, kindness, mercy, compassion, nonviolence, and justice filling the universe; rejoice in the expansion of 'soul within heart' embracing the universe in its every part and particle; return to the Source -an affirmation of a benevolent universe; identify with the Holy One, our Beloved Friend, as our life purpose... briefly rest there...
"OM, HU": The Holy Secret, The Sound of the atomic vibratory structure of matter for the manifestation of the Energy of Consciousness of the Holy One; the whirl of atoms and the universe in the perpetual motion of expansion and contraction; the Blessing of the Sacred Heart, through your heart and breath, breathed out upon this earth... briefly rest there...
"La Illaha, Il Allahu" -- like other essential spiritual mantras -- can take you through the veil of Mystery for a glimpse and taste of the Paradise beyond, your Home, where the Holy One is Breath of your breath, Love of your love, until at long last, there is Only One... "One Love, One Love, One Love..." If this sufi prayer doesn't "fit" your spiritual orientation, then choose a mantra that does: suggestions include "One Love", "Amma", "Abba", "Hail Mary", and "Hare Krishna, Hare Rama": the important point is spiritual abandonment of self in adoration and identification... and soul surrender...
Take your Remembrance Meditation for a walk, or find a pleasant spot by a river, anywhere and anytime, can be the perfect time for a little moment of remembrance... Completely disarmed now, you are ready to be the person you really want the rest of the world to be -- you are ready to be a warrior of light and lead the rEvolution that will build Paradise upon this precious blue planet, for the children...
intently silent,
i hear the pain of this world
--the mountain dogwood
paradise scent, and
these beads, like caressing God
--daybreak in Love's ooze
how You feed the earth
with such delectable love
--hurry and kiss me!
in hurried flight down a darkened path
my soul is seeking a wooded house and garden green,
where her Lover waits with love's expectations
and only the Breath of God stirs the fragrant leaves...
"Creation was fashioned to be adorned, to be showered, to be gifted with the love of the Creator. The entire world has been embraced by this kiss... Limitless love, from the depths to the stars, flooding all, loving all. It is the royal kiss of peace... God hugs you. You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God."
--Hildegard of Bingen
"The mystic is the one who consciously lets the Breath of God breathe in him."
--Fr. George A. Maloney, S.J.
Within the heartbeats of the Holy One
Every person
Every creature
Every part and particle of creation...
No one is turned away,
Nothing is left out...
All are fulfilled and find their rest,
All are welcomed Home.
Within the heartbeats of the Holy One
Every heart is embraced
In infinite and endless kindness and mercy.
Every heart finds its rest
In the very Heart of God, One Love, One Love.
With Gratitude and Blessing, as go the rivers,
Without end... gratitude and blessing...
Om Shanti Peace Amen
"God is voluptuous and delicious."
--Meister Eckhart
"Let your own 'being you' sink away and melt into God's 'being God'."
--Meister Eckhart
"From all eternity God lies on a maternity bed giving birth. The essence of God is birthing."
--Meister Eckhart
"La Illaha, Il Allahu"...
The practice of the presence of the Holy One, or Remembrance Meditation, is common to every mystical tradition. In the Christian Orthodox tradition, the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me a sinner) is their radiant interior Sun. For Catholics, the Rosary holds special sway. Hindus and Buddhists teach japa mantra meditation -- the prayer of the breath linked to the silent repetition of a Holy Word or Divine Name. This same essential practice is the heart of Islam and sufi prayer. Regardless of path, though, mystic lovers know:
"Love shreds
The veil of religion
And reveals
There is really Only One
On both this side
And that..."
The sufi secret "La Illaha, Il Allahu" is the passionate heart of love awakening to the One Heart, the One Love, which is both Source and Center of the person and the universe. This silent breath prayer -- "La Illaha" with the outgoing breath: parting the veil of Mystery; nothing separate; there is none but the Holy One; look beyond what you see; let go of identity as self, with opinions and judgments; strip away the illusory "I" with all of it's negativity, fear, anger, hatred, and violence; discard everything that is not soul within soul within soul, the pure presence of Beauty... briefly rest there...
"Il Allah" with the incoming breath: One Love; Only Love; surrender within exhaltation, there is only the Holy One; surrender to the infilling grace; recognize the abundance of peace, kindness, mercy, compassion, nonviolence, and justice filling the universe; rejoice in the expansion of 'soul within heart' embracing the universe in its every part and particle; return to the Source -an affirmation of a benevolent universe; identify with the Holy One, our Beloved Friend, as our life purpose... briefly rest there...
"OM, HU": The Holy Secret, The Sound of the atomic vibratory structure of matter for the manifestation of the Energy of Consciousness of the Holy One; the whirl of atoms and the universe in the perpetual motion of expansion and contraction; the Blessing of the Sacred Heart, through your heart and breath, breathed out upon this earth... briefly rest there...
"La Illaha, Il Allahu" -- like other essential spiritual mantras -- can take you through the veil of Mystery for a glimpse and taste of the Paradise beyond, your Home, where the Holy One is Breath of your breath, Love of your love, until at long last, there is Only One... "One Love, One Love, One Love..." If this sufi prayer doesn't "fit" your spiritual orientation, then choose a mantra that does: suggestions include "One Love", "Amma", "Abba", "Hail Mary", and "Hare Krishna, Hare Rama": the important point is spiritual abandonment of self in adoration and identification... and soul surrender...
Take your Remembrance Meditation for a walk, or find a pleasant spot by a river, anywhere and anytime, can be the perfect time for a little moment of remembrance... Completely disarmed now, you are ready to be the person you really want the rest of the world to be -- you are ready to be a warrior of light and lead the rEvolution that will build Paradise upon this precious blue planet, for the children...
intently silent,
i hear the pain of this world
--the mountain dogwood
paradise scent, and
these beads, like caressing God
--daybreak in Love's ooze
how You feed the earth
with such delectable love
--hurry and kiss me!
in hurried flight down a darkened path
my soul is seeking a wooded house and garden green,
where her Lover waits with love's expectations
and only the Breath of God stirs the fragrant leaves...
"Creation was fashioned to be adorned, to be showered, to be gifted with the love of the Creator. The entire world has been embraced by this kiss... Limitless love, from the depths to the stars, flooding all, loving all. It is the royal kiss of peace... God hugs you. You are encircled by the arms of the mystery of God."
--Hildegard of Bingen
"The mystic is the one who consciously lets the Breath of God breathe in him."
--Fr. George A. Maloney, S.J.
Within the heartbeats of the Holy One
Every person
Every creature
Every part and particle of creation...
No one is turned away,
Nothing is left out...
All are fulfilled and find their rest,
All are welcomed Home.
Within the heartbeats of the Holy One
Every heart is embraced
In infinite and endless kindness and mercy.
Every heart finds its rest
In the very Heart of God, One Love, One Love.
With Gratitude and Blessing, as go the rivers,
Without end... gratitude and blessing...
Om Shanti Peace Amen
"God is voluptuous and delicious."
--Meister Eckhart
"Let your own 'being you' sink away and melt into God's 'being God'."
--Meister Eckhart
"From all eternity God lies on a maternity bed giving birth. The essence of God is birthing."
--Meister Eckhart
"La Illaha, Il Allahu"...