From our very small world of "here", to the infinitely large Universe of "there", is there a key? From the mundane to the sacred: from the obviousness of separation to the mystic-desire of Unity: what is the sure path of transformation? How about a solution to many of our personal psychological / spiritual challenges, as well as our economics of domination and our politics of division? Wow, could there be such a key?
All self / spiritual realization and social rEvolution begins with vision: yes, a vision of an expansive harmony, goodness, and liberation: but we begin, not with that particular form of vision, instead, we begin with "seeing". "I see you" is where we start. Realization is always about the "Other": not me, mine, or ours. Not my group, my religion, or my opinions. But "I see you"... Now, Eileen Caddy, a visionary leader of Findhorn, teaches a blessing prayer that begins with "I love you"... but who actually loves ISIS? Or the Taliban, or Rush Limbaugh for that matter? Who loves anyone who frightens you or with whom you strongly disagree: like an undocumented immigrant, a black youth, a radical feminist, a Southern white man, a liberal Democrat, a Right-Wing Republican, an atheist, a Muslim, an evangelical Christian, and on and on... at any given moment we may be unable to love... but can we begin by acknowledging that the "other" exists? Can we acknowledge that the "other" has a story that might have some human value? Can we acknowledge that every "other" may have some essential and basic right to exist: perhaps even live in close proximity to us? "I see you" is the beginning of every relationship that we cherish: as it is also the starting point of every movement towards liberty and justice for all: there is no other place to begin. "I see you" is the key to empathy and compassion: virtues in seeming decline... Next comes, again from Eileen Caddy of Findhorn, "I bless you"... that, too, might be asking too much as a beginning point. Instead, a "I will do what I can to help you thrive". Not as simple and succinct as "I bless you", but surely a conviction that could become dynamic if followed to completion. Too often religious rhetoric is disgustingly beautiful: one could say "sweet". But in the real rough and tumble world in which we live we need action not an add-on to afternoon tea. "I will do what I can to help you thrive": like a quality education for you and your children, quality housing and health care, a living wage and equal opportunities to excel, an environment free from contamination, voting and civil rights: in other words, collectively, we will mean what we say and intend what we mean: "liberty and justice for all" will be inclusive and quite clear... Finally, let us keep the third part of Eileen Caddy's vision: "I see the divinity in you", without changing it whatsoever. If we are now living in the New Reality we are constructing for ourselves and our communities: "I see you. I will do what I can to help you thrive. I see the divinity within you": we will become, each of us, a blessing for every "other". To live, to actually live, as a blessing for every single "other" is the "Holy Moly Key" for both personal and global transformation. A "blessing life" would be the holy competition of kindness, equality, harmony, delight, and justice. Right-Wing, Left-Wing, and No-Wing would each drop the planks of their platforms to live in the clean air of service to the common good. Multi-national corporations would cease their manic pursuit of privilege and power and realize that true profit looks to the good of all seven generations into the future. And religions, ah religions, they would take up laughter as their most essential sacrament and prayer practice: genuine surrender and adoration is so much closer to play than it is to anyone's dogma!
As these hands lift and turn the dark soil
Making ready for the promise of Festival: My heart aches with the ache of Goddess Contrasting the tired privilege of domination... This gypsy soul wanders gentle beneath The girdle of power: here, the left hand Enjoys what the right hand is doing Contrasting the tired privilege of domination... Sobriety in prayer differs by just one degree From the drunkenness of the heart: wasting Time writing poems perhaps no one will read Contrasting the tired privilege of domination... Longing for the "now" of lasting delight and Every path leading through Love's design: grace Is leaving no one outside the Garden wanting in Contrasting the tired privilege of domination... |
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022