![]() What are you looking for? What is the great hunger of your heart? What are those things that have you feeling trapped? How are you boxed in -- what routes of escape are you considering? What is the source of your hope? How will you activate your intention? When will you be free? We are just two days past Christmas 2012 -- for many followers of Yeshua, the Poet of Nazareth, a time of remembrance and of giving: remembrance of a beautiful life lived as a spoken poem gracing the world with a promise of peace and communion: and giving, the giving of gifts representing love, kindness, and joy... but for the majority of Yeshua's devotees: they live in poverty in the developing nations of the world... and so their remembrance and their giving is of an entirely different "color" than that of his "first world followers"... this is important as a frame of reference for the questions listed above... Perhaps it would be helpful to consider "What are you looking for?" by first considering your essential remembrance and giving... What memory do you hold closest to your heart? Is it the memory itself, or the feeling that the memory inspires? If your most precious memory were the definition of what you most hunger for: could you boil that down to one word? And consider giving: consider it in terms of the most precious part of you that you want -- with your whole being to give away and have it be received and cherished with joy -- what would that be? Where am I expecting these questions to lead? Well, I am certain that we all already know the answer: Love! Of course! Well, if we are going to continue with being honest, we also have to admit that we have -- probably most of us -- been profoundly hurt in our experience of love (as we have hurt others): yet it is always to Love that we keep circling back to... it is always to Love that we look for a way out of our cages, traps, and stories... it is always Love that holds within us the brightest fires of our lives... And -- of course, again -- to Love means to not be alone! To love means to consciously enter into a communion of persons: "rubbing relationships" this way and that: but most of all, to Love means to consciously enter the vivifying Love of the Holy One, from Whom All Being and Every Thing Flows: to Love means to consciously choose to order all things according to the requirements and practice of Love: every Other becomes an equal and free Person: every Other is worthy of the very best -- Justice, Equality, Safety, Kindness, and Beauty: every Other is equally compelled to build up this New Creation of Radiance and Mutual Liberation: our daily lives -- and our collective economics, culture, religions, and politics -- becomes the "playing field" of intention and practice: resulting in a obvious increase of Love, Harmony, Justice, Equality, and Peace -- or we are not, in fact, loving! It is all connected... I want to be opened by Love! Isn't that what you, too, want? But I want more! I want to be opened by Love everyday for the rest of my life! How about you? I want to be an "opener", too. I want to be an agent of both remembrance and of giving. Don't you? I want to be a part of a community of Lovers gathered to uplift and rejoice with each other. Do you? I've been battered and bruised enough by life that I can be humble and laugh and have no need to judge anymore. Does this sound like you? I've been "on the road" long enough that I am aware of the preciousness of time and of each moment to live in awe, wonder, surrender, service, and adoration. How about you? This is the real alchemical transformation of our times -- this is the shift in consciousness begging for universal release -- this is the "spiritual hammer" to bust out of our boxes: and then to build the Earth according to the liberating possibilities of Love... and someday, someday, every one will have shelter, safety, health, beauty, and radiance: with a "Welcome Home" sign hanging upon every door...
![]() One could work for profit... one could work for wages... one could work for the family... one could work for just about any reason at all: but why not work for an abundance of delight! How about working for an influx of passion? Why not work for the hope of wild abandon? Or what about a little bit of work for grace? Oh, I know the story about grace being free -- but that line is just for getting your attention -- sort of like the old promise of a blue light special in the crowded store... well, you could shuffle off with the other shoppers and buy something of no real use to you -- wow! what a deal! But really, nothing is free: not even the air that you breathe: because you breathe you owe a debt of gratitude at the very least... even more if you're really alive and conscious because you want clean, fresh, air for yourself and for everyone else till the real end of time... So how about getting it in your mind that working for grace could be the way to both come and go? Where to begin? Here's an idea: start with making a couple of lists! One list with all of your faults and shortcomings: be ruggedly honest: too much of this, too little of that, lacking in confidence, low self-esteem... put it all down on paper... Now, a second list with all of your attributes: forget honesty! Imagine whatever you want! You love public speaking! You never lose your temper (because you gave that up long ago)! You feed the hungry and orgasm daily! Fill up at least one page with this list -- make it real good! Finished? Okay, fold them up: carefully place both in an envelope: to be used as your bookmark because you will now go to a library or a bookstore. You will pick out a biography of Mahatma Gandhi: borrow or buy, whichever. Read it. Read it good and carefully: notice that everytime you open the book you are first touching the bookmark-envelope with your two lists: remember all that you wrote! Finished again? What did you read? Here's my short list: you read about a skinny -- very homely -- boy afraid of ghosts. You read about a coward. You read about a man filled with self-doubt and even self-hatred. You read about a man who was a terrible failure in his career. You read about a man who left his country -- looking for anyway out of his life story and failures. You read about a man who was so embarrassed by his cowardice that he couldn't run away from visible injustice: who very timidly raised his voice in protest: who was hit by police: who gathered strength to resist: who developed a strategy for the weak to assume power: who negotiated with leaders: who triumphed where no one thought it possible: who took on an Empire with only a bamboo stick, old sandals, and firm, unyielding determination: who liberated a country through active nonviolence: and who loved his goats at the same time. Summary: an ugly, skinny, coward worked for grace and transformed himself into a hero for the ages... Now take up your bookmark-envelope. If you too might work for grace, like Gandhi, what might you be able to do with your one, incredibly precious, life? Can you, too, become a hero for the ages? If he were suddenly sitting next to you, he would take your hands into his and look into your eyes, grin his old-man-nearly-toothless-grin, and say,"Anything I did, you could do too! Have faith in God. Love your enemies. And never give up." That pretty much sums up working for grace... now what will be the story of the rest of your life? P.S. I find that if I personalize what / who it is that I am working for it helps: hence the picture of "Grace" above. Work for her. Build her a world of all the beauty that she deserves: then it is guaranteed: you will be great! ![]() Before all else, what do the children of the world most need from adults? Of course, there are the obvious essential needs like food, safety, nurturing, play, community, education, and hope... but, admit it: when it comes to all the children of the world, most adults don't really give a hoot... Oh, sure if a child in need happened to cross your path, maybe / probably you would take some sort of action... but who among us takes sustained action to guarantee the essential needs of every child? And who really cares that every nine minutes the equivalent of a passenger jet filled with children crashes (roughly the number of children who starve to death continually). Guns will continue to kill, drones will keep finding their targets, injustice and oppression will continue stalking the world, violence will still be justified by anyone with the power to do so... so what is it that children most need from the adults of the world? Is there anything that might change the minds of adults? Is there a way for us to actually move forward into transformation? Appearances aside, I submit that we are on the cusp of an evolutionary leap: the long, dark, age of chaos is coming to an end: and that which will increasingly facilitate this leap is our recognition that to leap we must get down on our knees: but not before the god of power with its many arms of war, oppression, greed, profit, exploitation, inequality, slavery, consumerism, justifications, hatred, and fear... but before Beauty: the divine feminine "suchness" of reverence for the Earth, for every "other", for the fraternity of creatures, for equality between the male and the female, for the spiritual equality in faith leadership, for justice, harmony, abundant simplicity, a caring economics and personalist politics: that puts the good of all before either personal profit or self-pleasure: that delights in art, music, gardening, and literature: that 'welcomes home' everyone on the margins: that enjoys the free gifting of delight and sensuality: and that reveres the Earth as a living 'inter-being' and regards the health of the soil, water, and air as essential gifts for every child of the future. Beauty, the Divine Feminine, has been abandoned by the religions of "men". Power is the god most men bend their knees to: read the world scriptures with eyes wide open! Page after page devoted to every possible manifestation, application, and justification of power: if every word, command, or action in the service of power were removed from the world scriptures, what would be left? It is precisely there in that core that one is likely to find something of genuine revelation and truth: it is there that one will find the Mother and Beauty, Kindness and Compassion, Justice and Love: everything the children of the world need and deserve! Transformation requires a lot of "cutting and pasting", but this important (essential) first step must be taken if power is to placed in the service of global liberation -- instead of domination. This re-orientation will be challenging (especially for those who profit from their particular angle on power), but everyone deserves a breath of fresh air and the opportunity of one big (gigantic) sigh of relief. And regardless of where you start with your "cutting and pasting", the one message of Universal Love will be your conclusion: the prophets of compassion, kindness, and service will shine with a true (and humble) light: and the essentials of adoration, reverence, and surrender will be everyone's mystical inheritance... as we begin our walk upon this Way, the children of the world will finally receive the world they deserve: and as for us, we will finally have accepted our sacred duty: building Paradise upon this precious blue Planet: and it all starts right now when we, one by one, bend our knees at the feet of Beauty. "There is Only One. Love Every One. Feed Every One." ![]() Surrendered High Yee! You have given up your heart Surrendered! You have declared your dependence Surrendered! No more praise for your courage! No more wonder for solitude! High Yee! You have turned out your grief Surrendered! You have left dignity in rags Surrendered! Drinking now the truest wine! Drinking now every last delight! High Yee! You have chosen the way of Love Surrendered! You have signaled it's time to Feast Surrendered! All that's left is the shouting! All that's left is the dying! Surrendered: this "state of being" is central to every mystic tradition and teaching: without this core practice, nothing else really matters. Everything in the awakening life is about entering upon this path -- and walking it with honesty and integrity. Anything that is held back -- will be taken away. Anything that is justified -- will be stripped away. Anything that is necessary -- will be annihilated: everything must go into the "furnace" of surrender... Are you a big shot? Become a little shot. Are you proudly intelligent? Become a still, small, point. Are you well-to-do? Become abundantly simple. Do you catch the drift? As Brother Giles said, "The way to go up is to go down." But most of the real action takes place in the heart of affections and attachments: how are you tempted to lord it over others? How do you control those whom you love, work with, and live with? How do you free others -- your lover, your co-workers, your employees, your social friends, etc.? How do you live compassion, kindness, mindfulness, justice, beauty, and peace? How is your meditation assisting in your transformation into love-without-limits? These few questions are simply meant as an exercise in self-examination: again, we're back to honesty and integrity... another helpful way of looking at it is through the lens of this final question: if you knew that you were going to die sometime in 2013, how would you live between now and then? The person who has awakened would simply keep on keeping on... every moment has infinite potential... any moment could be your moment for that one perfect act of love that will witness to the beauty and the surrender of your life... that's the way to go... High Yee! ![]() Be This Only Be this only: One Love And walk in beauty -- let every step Be in kindness and harmony. Be free -- imprisoned no longer By the narrow range of thought -- Leave your mind with the caged bird Singing of the wild it does not know. Be this only: before the One Become the red rose of passion Indistinguishable from every delight... Be the surrendering of lovers And their union beyond form or flower. Be this only: before sound, one Sigh Of the luminous wind before the grandeur Of the Universe leaning in for you to kiss. Birth 2012 And Beyond This moment -- our moment in time -- is pregnant with transformational possibilities: both personal and Planetary. What is it going to take? Perhaps, only you! With our entire precious blue Planet at risk -- and the willfully blind oppression of women and global violence, especially towards children -- how is it possible for anyone to remain passively uncommitted? Access to a voting booth does not make for a particapatory democracy, neither will attending church, temple, mosque, or circle make for a saint. This moment, our moment, is calling out to each one of us -- personally -- so how much longer will you wait? How much longer before you follow Yeshua, Rumi, Francis, Dorothy, Gandhi, King, Maathai, and all of the other mystic-activists about the work of manifesting the radiance and beauty of the New Creation? ... The grandeur of the Universe is leaning in for you to kiss... are you ready now for the kiss of your life? Are you ready to kiss and kiss and kiss more? If not, what is holding you back? ![]() Evil is relative to Good; violence is relative to Harmlessness; and that which is destructively ugly is relative to Beauty: all things and all manner of things, can be redeemed by Love. The supreme question is that of how this redemption can be fulfilled. What is the "redemption pathway"? Father Zossima, in The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, answers the question this way: "There is only one means of salvation, then take yourself and make yourself responsible for all men's sins, that is the truth, you know, friends, for as soon as you sincerely make yourself responsible for everything and for all men, you will see at once that it is really so, and that you are to blame for every one and for all things." Whoa! "I have enough problems: financial, personal, psychological, and spiritual! Am I really supposed to take on the blame for everything and for everyone? This would be pure madness!" Yet: this is the only choice that is left to us by both wisdom and grace... and by the signs of the times: the invitation is extended to enter one's body and soul into the "fray" of life, engage in the mystic identification with Love-Without-Limits, and to follow one's heart into every effort to un-create evil and then re-create time itself. When we take on this "pure madness", we no longer blame anyone for anything --beginning with every single story of ours that justifies our opinions, jealousies, hatreds, fears, and judgments: being reduced to the "nothingness" of "pure madness" all that is left is Love: a blameless, kind, harmless, gentle, radiant, beautiful, and redemptive Love. We may then take our stand with Yeshua, the Poet of Nazareth, and his cohort of folks like Mary, Francis, Rumi, Theresa, Ibn 'Arabi, Gandhi, King, Day, and all of the other Lovers, and proceed to love without limits. Our acceptance of personal responsibility for the suffering of every "other", and for the suffering of this precious blue Planet, is the "blame" that can create a new world. Martin Buber wrote: "Love is the responsibility of an I for a Thou. In this lies the likeness -- impossible in any feeling whatsoever -- of all who love, from the smallest to the greatest and from the blessedly protected man, whose life is rounded in that of a loving being, to him who is all his life nailed to the cross of the world, and who ventures to bring himself to the dreadful point -- to love all men." In this, and only in this, can we imitate and identify with Yeshua -- all else is fantasy, idolatry, or simply blame projected upon others (and is in truth unworthy of redeemed humanity). SAY IT: "Everyone -- every single person -- is worth the very best: is worth a Universe of Total Love": this redemptive reality is the task of embodiment: that is the life of faith and action. The Holy One is manifested in the New Creation of intention, in the struggle to give Birth to the Beloved Community, in the living together as One Love, and in the seeding of the world with the future -- right here and now in the suffering present. ![]() "In God We Trust... and the NRA"... "One nation, under God, indivisible, with enough guns for everyone"... "Four score and hundreds of millions of guns ago"... "Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask instead how many guns you can carry and conceal"... The scourge of Big Money through the National Rifle Association -- the Fourth Branch of the American Government -- of buying politicians, shredding the historical meaning of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and cultivating the false god of "gun rights" must finally come to an end. How many children must die before the NRA is shoved back under whatever rock they crawled out from under? How many "random" acts of violence must there be before the NRA is charged with treason? Guns have only one purpose: to kill. A civilized people have every right to say: "ENOUGH ALREADY!" It is time for every coward in Congress and in every state legislature to be removed from office if they continue to support the NRA. Period. It is time to get the guns, melt them all down, and erect a new National Monument -- perhaps of a dead child or perhaps of Yeshua the Prophet of Peace. It is way past time to declare our independence from the idiot culture of violence that has this entire Planet in the grip of death... It is time to co-create the New World that lies in the dreams of our children: a world of justice, equality, dignity, safety, abundance, beauty, kindness, and hope. It is time for the good, quiet, people of this nation to unlock the chains around their hearts and to raise their voices for loving out loud: we have the vision... we have the passion and drive... we have the will and the way... we have the technology and the wisdom: we have, right now, within our very grasp, the capability of creating a Paradise upon this Earth for all peoples! All that is necessary for the plague of violence to engulf every street, mall, theatre, school, office, workplace, and home of America is for good people to remain silent and continue allowing the NRA and the gun industry to make their millions of dollars by shredding lives-- we have made them millionaires by kneeling at the altar they have made... Up off your knees, America! The life you save may be your kids... ![]() Branches The clear cold spring water Seems to shudder beneath the ice As breath clouds gather about my face... No sound welcomes my ears No thoughts intrude upon the silence. Walking lightly into the cloud I close my eyes to see the dragons Perched like snow on the leafless branches... There is no easy path without wings There is a way to fly out of the mind. Moment-by-moment, the present Is always assuming the posture of the past Lifting high the sword of broken memories... But look! It seems my heart is turning green But look! Time itself is facing a re-creation. Intricate lacing branches Infiltrate the patterns of my mind And I shiver with their loosening grip... With no words to admit my fascination With no fear of whatever lies ahead. Light and delicate the snow falls Into a gathering of poets' hands Weaving dreams with the moving branches... Only a glittering light upon the ground Only the gaze of adoration upon my face. Every atom -- and the entire Universe -- is the manifestation of One Song, vibrating in radiant ecstasy... Listen -- listen! -- settle down within the space between the beats of your heart (the One Heart)... Mystery is chanting the Holy Name -- there -- in that Holy Place, within you within you within you... Aware Now -- awaken! -- you are One with the Infinite, you are One with the Cosmic Consciousness... Rise Up! With this shift in your consciousness, become a Mother now and give birth to a brand new world... One Love... One Love... One Love... [This poem and meditation began during a walk in the snow on December 9 of this year. It completed itself on the following day at my desk, looking out upon pine trees and falling snow... and the One Love Blessing for every falling memory... For most of the folks that I spent 30 years with in Chinatown Salinas, the holidays are like a punch in the nose, a time of broken memories, of lostness, and the raw awareness that "If I disappeared, no one would ever miss me." That, my friends, is what it really means to be homeless... and for far too many people, that is what it has meant to be human. Even though, for me, I had to endure months and then years of a radical sense of spiritual abandonment, and the crushing loss of family and dreams, that experience did not destroy me (neither did it strengthen me). Rather, it changed me: it caused me to jettison my "big I" and replace it with an increasingly transparent "us": it "shuffled my deck" -- tossing out most of the accumulated cards -- now I just have a small handful of "ones": like, "Only One" and "One Love": and it has centered me in an understanding that you and I, all of the you's and all of the I's, are all yearning for the very same unveiling: "We have been created by Love, for Love, to become Love": this is our secret identity: this is the reason for our existence: and, finally, as we learn to accept, embrace, become, and live this truth our lives will find their fulfillment in radiance. Bliss and One for All! P.S. I want to also mention that when I was at my lowest point, Love walked through the door of my heart and welcomed me home... that precious "Welcome Home" with Michelle is, I believe, a sign, symbol, and sample of what is in store for everyone... Again: "Bliss and One for All!"] ![]() Where are your feet? Sure, if you're blessed with them, they're at the bottom of your legs... but that is not what I mean! I do mean, this is December of 2012! Our precious blue Planet is in serious danger! Wars, climate change, economic struggles for the many (while the few thrive), the continued oppression of women, hungry children, marginalized youth, wildly conservative religious groups, fanatics everywhere, justifications and random acts of violence everywhere, sex slavery, and -- well, you get the point, don't you? The world NEEDS your attention -- right now! So, where are your feet? Are you ready to get them off the "brakes" of your life? Are you finally ready to do something -- to live great? Are you just about out of excuses and justifications for postponing your commitment? The world NEEDS your attention -- right now! So, where are your feet? The answer that I am looking for -- the answer the world needs -- is AT LEAST THIS: "I am ready to look for the accelerator! I am ready to seriously consider the possibility that my life could be one of extraordinary meaning and passion! I am ready to shift my consciousness away from my agenda and look instead to my total transformation! I am ready to explore new ways of relationships, of communities, of work, of economics, of politics, of culture, of safety, of religions, of diet, and of every aspect of my life: to end the divide between thought, word, and deed: to begin to truly think great, speak kind, and act just! I am ready to become one of the greatest Lovers and Activists this world has ever known!" This question, "Where are your feet?", is one of the most important that could be asked of you. I mean, you're on facebook, right? Like you, I love facebook and all the opportunities to peek into the "windows" of so many lives... but have you noticed how most of the postings are about lunch and cats? Well, maybe that isn't exactly true, but seriously, this world is in desperate need of EVERY FOOT on the accelerator! If change is going to come, every life needs to activate a passion for possibilities, for exploration and discovery, for networking and sharing, and for organizing and claiming the future we want for the children of all the Earth! This is a sacred moment: it will not get any holier anywhere down the line. This is it. You've got to choose. You've got to commit. With your foot on the accelerator of your life, have dinner with your best friends, and talk about how you can band together to feed the hungry of your community, to make art with children, to start a bicycle taxi service, to buy a little farm, to gather to meditate together, to rejoice together in family, to demonstrate together, to start an alternative work co-op, to start a newspaper, to open a free art gallery, to hold a big-tent local music festival, to start a radical radio station... every idea that you share for dessert will generate "whole pies" of newer and perhaps better ideas... finally you will decide: you will activate your compassion! You will band together, form a tribe, or start a catholic worker house. You will begin to make deep connections with others -- but most of all, with every aspect of your life! You will come to realize both your potential and your power: amplified by the collective potential and power of your group! You will then be among the 1% that really matters: you won't have much money like the 1% 'ers on the other end of the economic-power scale: but you will, in truth, be among those incredibly beautiful and precious lives who are giving birth to a new future and a new humanity! Now that you are ready: read "Birth 2012 And Beyond" by Barbara Marx Hubbard. Go to www.birth2012.com and press your foot to the accelerator! ![]() What's got you all tied up in a knot? What eats away at any possibility you have for happiness? What grabs your spirit by the "scruff of its neck" and throttles you from here to kingdom come? What is it that is slowly and steadily eating you alive? Have you given up on love? Has a lover -- or two or three -- left you for another and broken your heart? Have you been betrayed by friends and felt yourself a castaway? Has life turned out to be one catastrophic mess -- one after another... and another... and another? Do you look for "life" in alcohol or drugs? Do you have sex with just about anyone -- hoping you just get lucky and find hope in your endless bouts of loneliness and meaninglessness? Do you work yourself to the bone -- and resent your despair? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night (when you can sleep) and hope against hope that you will not wake up? If you are alive (and reading this), then perhaps one or more of these questions have been a part of your life -- for many of us, these questions provide something of a summary of our life experience. Just today, a facebook friend posted a picture of a woman, alone, with the caption: "Have you ever wondered if anyone would miss you if you died?" My facebook friend simply commented that that was how she felt... There is no getting around the simple fact that life is hard -- frequently, profoundly difficult and challenging. And very often we break. For a very long time in my life my constant prayer was for a stroke -- for anything to get me out of my misery. While this truth is a humbling thing to acknowledge, it nevertheless must be mentioned: at least for my facebook friend: for there is "oil to slip the knot": there is a way into the life that you deserve: and you deserve the very best: you deserve Love! A quick -- to the point -- summary of my story: When all seemed over and absolutely hopeless for me, I had to play Santa Claus for a holiday party for migrant farm worker children. There was no way out for me -- I could not find a replacement. So I put on my Santa outfit and showed up... hundreds of children rejoiced and after dinner filed up to sit on my lap and receive their gift from Santa... now, all of these kids knew me, and most would say, "Hi Santa Robert"... I would hold their hands, tell each one how special they were, and of how very much they were loved... hours went by... all the children received their gifts and their families had left... and I still sat in my Santa chair praying for more children... finally, realizing that I looked foolish to keep sitting there as clean-up was going on, I got up to leave, and softly spoke to two high school volunteers saying, "This is all I want to do. All I want is to love." Driving home, for the first time in years, I didn't pray for a stroke: I prayed for a miracle! I said, "Oh God, I need a miracle... I just want to love..." And as soon as that prayer was uttered, another one welled up in my heart, "I want to live!" I got exactly what I prayed for! (It cost me the loss of everything... but that is another story.) I gave myself over to Love: to the utter and total abandonment of Love. I gave myself the freedom to explore my possibilities for joy, for a deep interior transformation into radiance, and for the annihilation of the dross of conformity, small-mindedness, and limited vision that had dictated life to me. You see, when I gave myself permission to love with the fullness of my being, I was set free to do exactly that! All of the working theories of the theologians of "less" and "under-value" were simply set aside: I had had enough of that! I wanted "more" and "absolute-total-entry-into-One-Love"! Of course, I am still a work in progress! I can be caught in the snare of memories that trap me in depression -- sometimes for days at a time... but the change I have been writing about and now living are testimony to this core, radical, truth: we are all -- every single one of us -- absolutely beautiful, absolutely worth the very best, and absolutely worth Love, infinite, boundless Love. Our secret identity -- the identity that life tries so hard to keep bottled up and oppressed -- is that we are the living mirrors of the Holy One: created specifically and exactly that that One could gaze in adoration at us, and that we in turn might adore one another and the Holy One with our every breath... with our service... with our work for justice, kindness, and peace... until it is time for the "oil of Love" to slip the last knot and we pass into the arms of our Beloved... Do you see, my facebook friend? Do you see my friend -- whoever you are? The oil that slips the knot is the permission you give yourself to Love and to Love and to Love some more and then to Love everyone and to Love to the point that you -- your true self -- is revealed: you are Love. P.S. One other thing, love is all about "the other" not "you": this is everything! Everyday practice the "One Love Blessing": Touch someone, anyone, everyone, lightly with either your hand or eye: gift them with the words "One Love Blessing" either verbally or silently -- but mean it, give it... Become a channel, an instrument, of One Love... change your mind by giving away this Love Blessing to everyone! This practice will change your life! |
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022