![]() Like a rose dropping its petals One by one -- So I kneel before You... What is this question That would have me lost To all I had known before? Everywhere I breathe Only the scent of honeysuckle -- And Your teeth sink deeper into my flesh... This love has brought me To the very edge of Your Garden -- So why do I keep looking back? My eye searches the field For the color red: One Love only Knows the reason why... You are my Beloved: this secret Of the full moon will be the last words spoken: As the Universe dies into God... This pen quivers like my tongue Tracing a trail from Your breast To belly... and further... Listen! Perhaps all that we need Is another revelation, And then we can all go Home... Every believer hears the sound Of the voice they want: Me? I don't want to just kiss Your feet... You have taken every drop of wine: I sit and stare at Your cup And get incredibly drunk... I now understand that Love Is never an arrival: it is always And endlessly a falling... Life shouts to protect our breath! But Love kisses us differently: Give it all away! Still, another rose blossoms And gently slays the entire Universe: I surrender into that Nothing... This Love is without meaning As if a horse could make wings fly! Hush... let this Kiss be the end of words...
![]() This morning, waking from wildflower dreams I wondered if evolution could take a leap? Looking around, I decided to be among the first! But I'm suggesting we all consider this chance... Listen to the music of the wind, and listen too, Deeply to the whirl of wildflower atoms Gently sprouting within your mind... This could be the beginning of a new ecstasy! What if radiance were actually our destiny? Would you let it's possibility caress you? Watch the ripples that your every thought makes, And begin to wonder if there couldn't be bliss instead... There was a time in which we were all only possibilities In the mindless algae in a forgotten pool long ago -- Now look! We are human beings with music and grace! We've risen from slime and ground to stand in the Sun! These are only words placed upon a page: You, though, are every reason for the Universe! What is the meaning of this poem? Only to say, That you are most worthy of Love and this Kiss... ![]() A love affair is striving for your attention, Ready to shred what's left of your heart... If you can answer the riddle of "enough"? Look around: wildflowers are jumping out everywhere. And your soul: what of it? Is it not yet ready to breathe in the smothering scents? This moment Has never before existed in the imagination of Love: Surely you are ready to expose your neck? Only One could have brought you home! Only One would rend the fabric of the Universe for you: Walk into the Garden and see for yourself... |
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022