Genuine happiness necessarily involves everyone...
One's whole life -- in its entirety -- is specifically designed for wonder and delight: for adoration and worship, equal to orgasm. With our whole body, with all the "being-ness" of our consciousness-within-skin, we are invited into the Festival of Life: this "no division" between the Sacred and the Secular, between spirit and flesh, and between thought and action is the "Open Door Community" of transformation... One might say that the purpose of the Divine is It's own Self-Discovery through our minds-souls-eyes-ears-mouths-skin-genitals... When our human condition is harmonized with the Divine Possibilities inherent in our being, we "actualize" the Divine Potential of G-d... When that harmony is unveiled through the daily practice of kindness, solidarity, service, compassion, and justice, we are on / in the "Way"... The rEvolution is the practical: "I was hungry and you fed me. Whatever the fuck you do to the least person among you, you do the very same to me." And this was from Yeshua bar Alaha (Jesus)! How about this from John: "A person who says 'I love G-d', and hates his Muslim feminist gay refugee immigrant black neighbor, is not only living a lie, but is also full of shit"... And to those who preach the Gospel of Salvation Prosperity, these words, also from Yeshua, are an apt critique of such a theology: "Do not collect wealth for yourselves." And, "Ah! Welcome home you, my Beloved poor! But woe to you rich!" What is the point of this? "The human has been commanded to become G-d." (St. Basil) How is this to be accomplished? "Let everything you do be done in love." So, is it at all possible to be a Neo-Nazi and at the same time to be a follower of Yeshua bar Alaha (Jesus)? Is it possible to want to exclude women from equal ministry and at the same time to be a follower of Jesus (Yeshua bar Alaha)? Is it possible -- really, is it possible -- to want to build "walls" or drop "the Mother of All Bombs", and at the very same time to be serving the potential bliss of humanity? Seeds for an Active Contemplation: I am criticized often for my continual attacks upon the rich. Yes: because the rich continually attack the poor. -- St. John Chrysostom The bread in your cupboard belongs to the poor. -- St. Basil The price of the kingdom is the food you give to the hungry. -- St. Leo the Great I love because I want to love, the deepest desire of my heart is for love, for union, for communion, for community. -- Dorothy Day, Saint of the Gutter Beautiful Yes: we have been perfectly designed for bliss: and yes, too, we will only know bliss to the degree that we create the conditions necessary for every life to thrive and develop into its potential... Orgasm is supposed to compel an opening upward and outward into love and compassion for everyone and all of creation: that outward flowing love will then return and transform one's consciousness... What all of this amounts to is simple, very, very simple: we love the Holy One as much as -- and no more -- than the person we love the least... [Billionaires, members of Congress, the White House, Wall Street, the Pentagon, etc. are not somehow exempt! If genuine peace and justice are our goals, then there must be some evidence of a daily practice.]
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022