The Cosmic Cross is a Circle: In the Name of Love, Lover, and Loving...
"I can't breathe." -- George Floyd If these three words are not yet your essential mantra, what the hell is taking you so long? There is simply no way that anyone can have the least shred of an idea of awakening, or of faith, without an overhaul of their thinking mind: what have we been given consciousness for, if not for actual thought? The Holy Scriptures of the World have all been given to us with the smell and taste of blood in their pages: open your mouth and take a bite! "I can't breathe." You might not have realized this yet, but the Holy Scripture that really is of everlasting-importance is the one in which you are the author... writing it upon your heart... Your every breath matters! Gifted with this grace, you breathe your life which is also the very Breath of the Beloved, the Holy Mystery... in-flow, out-flow... you and the Divine are entwined in the Sacred Art of Breath... and it all happens naturally, and naturally, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you... This is the essential reality, the real Reality, that makes manifest the Love, Lover, and Loving... Do not forget this! The Four Directions of the Cosmic Cross rise from, and are entwined with, all of the manifest Universe: there is no separation, no part, not even the least particle or person, is in any way not connected with every other part or person. This is simply a cosmic-ontological and mystical fact, both... "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you" is Quantum Physics 101... it is also the most rEvolutionary thought and manifesto ever spoken or written! You say you don't like radical or socialist? Well, how about a through-and-through democracy? "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you" is the closest that we'll ever get to a Cosmic-Awakening-rEvolution! To the degree that any one part says, in his or her truth, "I can't breathe", then, in point of mystic-fact, we all lose an equal number of breaths! This is how the Universe is structured: we are all connected, and it matters not in the least if we like it or not: we are connected through the Umbilical Cord of Love, Lover, and Loving as a Child with Mother... This is Reality. This is Awakening! You can worship, you can praise, you can pray-yourself-silly, but if you do not love the one whom you can see, how can you say you love the One whom you cannot see? You can't! This is the Cross that we all carry... Racism. Gender inequality. Greed. Violence. Exploitation. Eco-cide. Oppression. Big Lies. You know the things that matter to all privilege and power... All of this (and obviously more) would have our rEvolutionary-possibilites stop right here: stop here with this corrupted sense that this is good enough! How incredibly self-serving this is of the powerful and privileged! It is precisely here that "I can't breathe" has its fullest meaning and power: "I can't breathe" is an anthem for everyone's liberation, even the liberation of the privileged and powerful! It is all of us or none of us: remember, there is no separation! It is right here that the Cosmic Cross most truly exists! If you have had doubt: doubt no more! You are needed to complete the Mystery of Love, Lover, and Loving! This core-truth is that the kingdom of God is here and lies all about us and can be seen and known by love -- and must be -- and then must be enacted with the same passion, unwavering intensity, and integrity as Mary and Christ did... conspire with the inner will of grace to change everything and to change everything utterly -- to transform the world and life in the world into a direct representation of God's love and God's justice... -- Andrew Harvey, Return of the Mother (To be continued...)
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022