Rev. Matthew Fox, in his extraordinary books (such as Original Blessing, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, and Creation Spirituality) has served to re-focus Christian spirituality and faith away from the seeming core fundamentalist idea of our human unworthiness (original sin and bare-bones salvation theology) and into a spirit of wholeness and essential goodness. Obviously, we still fall, slip, and trip into patterns of idiocy: especially when in pursuit of privilege, profits, and power... but truly, most of us are really quite love-able!
The Christian mystic is steadily awakening into a transformation of her consciousness... which should, of course, be the goal of the Churches... In the intersection of Christianity, Eastern Religions, and Science (and I might as well add the Poets like Rumi, Hafiz, and Mary Oliver) Sacred Imagination is once again assuming its rightful place in the tool-box of the contemplative lifestyle... A minor resurgence of the bohemian-mind in the arts, fashion, and interiority of the young gives hope that loving one another is the name of the game... I'm sorry that I only copied the above photo and that it came with no identification of artist, but doesn't it capture Sacred Imagination at work -- and that work being-loving?
If we are blessed, (or supremely lucky) our living comes with a maximum of pleasure: orgasmic, artistic, and personalistic: in an active and intentional community of friends. A model, often over-looked, is that of Jesus making wine for a celebration: there was no penance or depression in that scene! Every wedding celebration is innately sexual in orientation: everyone participates in the "secret knowing" and blessing of the sexual bliss upon the happy couple: Dance! Rejoice! Play! Sing! The unitive consciousness is again exploring possibilities... within you... within us!
Along with many feminist thinkers / theologians / mystics, I no longer find it easy to re-late to the unitive consciousness as "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit". But, neither are other simplistic formulas "heart-grabbing"... While it is true that anything that we can say about "God" reveals the limitations of both insight and of language: wherein every "yes" is answered with responding and resounding "no"... It is also true that words are sign-posts of a hidden reality: this is especially true with Sacred Scripture and the poetry of the mystics... The Christian will think of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... the Hindu will think Being, Consciousness, and Bliss... the Scientist might think, What if? Why not? and What next? And the mystic, of whatever faith, is as likely as not, thinking Love, Lover, and Loving...
The Cosmic Cross is a Circle: In the Name of Love, Lover, and Loving: this is the Be Love Now insight of Ram Dass, of the bohemian youth, and of the awakening mystic... The Old Religions have brought this precious blue Planet to its knees with their systems of domination, their economics of exploitation, and their politics of power: they all need to cultivate, once more, the grace of awakening: and they need your example and your insistence! Why else would anyone want to awaken, if not for serving the other? How could anyone awaken if there are still others? Awakening is your surrender into the adoration of the Unitive: Being, Consciousness, Bliss... In the Name of Love, Lover, and Loving...
The task of a liberated person is not to scold the world and preach to it but to delight it back to its senses. -- Alan Watts
It is as if Jesus, somewhere along the line, read the Tao Te Ching of LaoTzu: at the very least, a Holy Breeze carried its essential scent to him, because he breathed it deep, and summarized it with these everlasting words: The Kingdom of Heaven is within you! Whoa! Isn't it up there? Isn't it after I die? Don't I need first to be saved? Not according to Jesus! Remember the Beatitudes? Blessed are you... Jesus presents the Tao, a Path-Way meant for our feet to walk, skip, jump, dance, or run into your bliss... your awakening... The Kingdom of God is within you! Ah, so...
(To be continued...)