![]() Divinity is everywhere and within everything: it is the Holy of Holies, the Secret of Secrets... it is both above and beneath, within and without... it is before and it is behind: it lurks behind every veil -- always ready and waiting for the perfect moment, the surprise of the perfect pounce... The children's game of hide and seek and "boo" is not at all like this: this is the surprise of total ego annihilation -- and the only way through this devastation of "atomized love" is total, radical, non-attachment: "Not my will, but yours be done"... until... there is nothing between us: because there is nothing left of "me" -- there is "Only You"... (Only One)... The "emptiness" of total, radical, non-attachment is the perfect freedom of: existence / non-existence, life / death: it is all the Same: because there is Only One Being: in Surrender, in Adoration, in the complete Actualization of Love: Only Love remains... Only Love Is...
It is from this "Place" of "Only Love Is" that Yeshua the Poet uttered the sacred words that molded the Key to Paradise: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"... The mystery of this Key is that it is Always Free for the Giving... it is meant to be taken up and used by everyone to unlock each and every door that has closed down our hearts... Everyone -- every single human being -- carries around with them -- oftentimes buried deep under layers of consciousness and into the very depths of their heart -- all of the ways that we have been hurt and, most especially, all of the ways in which we have hurt others: we carry each and every hurt with us as the most essential part of our being -- even to the point of it becoming our very self-identification: that is, until we surrender into forgiveness, into the Adoration of "Only You"... One Being in the cosmic Actualization of Love... In surrender, we begin to will the very best for everyone and everything... and then, through forgiveness, we can even enter into and become an "actualizer" of the Holy One's love-feast and make love to time itself and assist in the "un-creating" of every hurt, all suffering, all evil, every act of violence, oppression, injustice, and un-truth any human being has ever perpetrated upon another person, any creature, and this precious blue Planet... This is the Mystery of the Christ Consciousness let loose by Yeshua to liberate All and Everything into One Love... [Look to the Page "Divinity Is Everywhere" for a brief description of two core practices essential to the cultivation of forgiveness in your life and the complete Actualization of Love...] Comments are closed.
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022