![]() I haven't a clue as to who the person in this photo is -- maybe he's an officer of the law just practicing... but then again, maybe he's another crazy looking to come your way with any 'ol reason to kill... The NRA is a clear and present danger to the safety and well-being of everyone in this country. Their rabid worship of weapons has polluted the halls of Congress -- for the most part, only someone who trembles before the might of the NRA can get elected to anything. We need another Wyatt Earp to face down these wing-nuts and collect all the guns! The NRA would have us believe that we'll all be safer if everyone is always and everywhere armed and dangerous -- they are mad! They used to say they were protecting the rights of the hunter -- hence the name "National Rifle Association". But only so many people were interested in shooting unarmed deer and pigs -- there were no great profits to be had in selling rifles! Ah, but then they had their version of a brilliant idea: they would advocate for personal safety weapons in every home -- then in every purse and drawer... imagine the unlimited profits to be had from this scheme! Of course, the scheme had to be backed up by a media campaign to re-define the Second Amendment and the election of advocates of unlimited access to guns... so the NRA has poured millions and millions of dollars into the political system, while intimidating everyone who had even an inkling that they were off-the-wall-nuts -- and now what do we have? Gun Paradise! I could -- if I wanted -- take a vacation to Arizona... I could buy an unlimited number of guns... put them in my car... drive a few blocks away... and re-sell each gun for a hefty profit... (I don't need to concern myself with where those guns are going or who they will be used against... I could even pretend they will be melted down into a modern sculpture if I wanted too...)... I could go into any Wal-Mart and buy a gun: anywhere in the country... they don't care why I might be buying the gun... they, like the NRA, are innocent... guns don't kill, people kill... and if you take away all the guns, only the criminals will have any guns and then what will we do? Will we need more police in our brave new world of gun control? Zimmerman would never have gotten out of his car to follow young Mr. Martin -- if he hadn't had a gun in his pocket. The NRA and all the elected officials in Congress helped pull the trigger that killed young Mr. Martin. The NRA and all the elected officials of Congress stalked the movie-goers in Denver and pulled the trigger with their killer last night... and that which galls me the most: after Palin and Rush defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners, is that this is a nation that prides itself on its "Christian roots" -- the poor Prophet of Nazareth, Yeshua, bears absolutely no resemblance to the "Jesus of the Christian". The Prophet told Peter to put away his sword: just as he is telling us: get rid of all the guns... and, guess what, the "Jesus of the Christian" is somewhere blasting a hole in Yeshua the Prophet right about now... Comments are closed.
AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022