Once again, the Right-Wing has gone rabid over: over what? Over Planned Parenthood? Over a citizen's right of choice? Over the definition of fetus? Over... over getting THAT woman back into the "House of Strict Control"?
But look: she is unleashed! There is simply no way that she'll ever walk back into THAT house again! The "House of Strict Control" is the religion of Western Civilization: and that includes each of the three root systems of belief that drive the Dominator Paradigm: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: brother faiths who each have no qualm about their desires for domination... Oh, I know that outliers in each faith, the mystics, the poets, and the dreamers have entirely different takes on their faith than that of the "orthodoxies"... but still, you have to admit that things still look pretty bleak for women and now also for this Planet... These "brother faiths" each have woman created as an afterthought -- just barely above that of a mistake. On the other hand, most of the truly ancient religions of the world have Woman as Source and Center of relationships and community: the Sacred Vulva was the portal to birth, bliss, and re-birth in an endless cycle... as the seasons... as a woman's life-flow... Those same "brother faiths" have a history of theologies that demonize women, sex, and sexual pleasure: reading Church history is like a walk through a maze of "anti-grace": Emperor Constantine what a long shadow you have cast! You held out the fruit of power, with the one requirement the construction of a "House of Strict Control"! And so the Domain of Love announced by a simple peasant-worker-poet became instead a sword of domination... I don't for one minute think that the so-called "pro-life" movement is really about pro-anything: it is, instead, all about getting and keeping women in the "House of Strict Control"... Female genital mutilation differs only in degree from the visceral hatred of anything deemed "feminist" in Right-Wing circles and politics (just listen to Rush Limbaugh -- or rather, never listen to Rush Limbaugh): if the Right-Wing was pro-life they would be gung-ho for the already-born: they would be eliminating hunger, malnutrition, and starvation; they would be supporting legislation that empowered mothers to fulfill their potential; they would be supporting early childhood education and education-without-limits afterword; and perhaps most importantly, they would be about preserving and protecting this precious blue Planet... But see, this also connects with LGBT sex: they demand a society of obedience: their means is domination: their goal is the acquisition of ever-increasing power and privileges for themselves and their servants: what is more dangerous to the "House of Strict Control" than women who consider their vulvas beautiful and who desire all the passion and bliss they can experience? What next? in Saudi Arabia they want to drive cars! In Iran they want jobs! In Pakistan they want to go to school! In the Vatican they want ordination (why not the Papacy as well)! In Greece they want justice! And in America, they want the White House: first a black man with his black family: and now, someday and inevitably, a female President! Has the world gone utterly mad, the Right-Wing wonders? Women want to choose when they have sex and with whom: and with that comes, "Well, how about me too?" There is a contagion of pleasure -- (and since the Right-Wing is convinced that pleasure is a direct service to the devil: what a conundrum: they're missing out!): no wonder they're constantly pissed! Seriously though, to be fully alive in our sacred humanity is to be deeply sensual, deeply contemplative, and deeply active: living out the New Creation of Love-without-limits: in the yearnings evidenced in Yeshua bar Alaha, and the world mystics of every faith: we are all, women and men, divine beings who have forgotten who we are: we are each called upon to remember! We show the inklings of our remembrance by our thoughts which are renewed in forgiveness and courage, our words which are guided by the convictions of wisdom, and our actions which are the fruits of empathy, mercy, justice, and compassion... The old stories, written and edited many times over to serve the agendas of domination are not all "bad": they are certainly part of our human history... But the new stories we will write of our beauty and original goodness, of equality between women and men, and of the bliss possible in a renewal of our religions and theologies and the preservation of our Planet will truly free and sanctify the Divine Pleasure in us that is our birthright from the Divinely Pleasurable One: this will be good! Very good! So by all means: get out of the "House of Strict Control"! Explore your sacred humanity! Love others as you love yourself! Serve others as the "price of admission" to life! Build communities of tolerance, harmony, justice, and kindness! And in every way that you can, imagine paradise and practice beauty... we are all worth the very best...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022