Physicist and philosopher, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., has summarized a few of the mysteries of the quantum world:
+ A quantum object (for example, an electron) can be at more than one place at the same time -- the wave property.
+ A quantum object cannot be said to manifest in ordinary space-time reality until we observe it as a particle -- collapse of the wave.
+ A quantum object ceases to exist here and simultaneously appears in existence over there; we cannot say it went through the intervening space -- the quantum jump.
+ A manifestation of one quantum object, caused by our observation, simultaneously influences its correlated twin object -- no matter how far apart they are -- quantum action-at-a-distance.
Energy, entanglement, holograms, relational interaction, evolution depends upon communication within living systems, fractals, symmetry, holon: these are just a few of the word-ideas that have opened doors to the quantum world: to our essential nature and that of the Universe! Hindus have long held that Shakti is the energy-dance that fills the entire Universe, through and through! Jesus as Mystic-Shaman tuned into that energy-dance and taught It: the kingdom of heaven is within you! And then along came the Sufis who taught it possible to hear that movement-whirl and said ""
"Entanglement" and "interdependence" likewise point to what Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn introduced a number of years ago as core to his insight and teaching: inter-being... sort of like the invisibility of gravity and gravitational fields... They are everywhere: the invisible, but no less "real" than anything in the visible world, gooey-stuff that makes everything work... and electromagnetic fields that organize everything from atoms to galaxies... All of this "science" and super-weirdness is the invitation that we received upon our birth...
Religion, as often as not, is a truckload of hooey: seemingly with cruelty, hypocrisy, privilege, profit, and power as general operating procedures. Ah, but on the other hand, there is spiritual practice: something very much as natural and good as breathing... here, listening is central to practice: every moment might bring a revelation, an insight, an opening, or a certain hearing... We give attention to the small, even to the minute... Creation is the theophany, the "showing", of the Oneness... The simplest of ideas might become the holy ground of sacred intention: like, causing no harm or as little harm as possible as perhaps the best place to start...
We have been invited to a Thanksgiving Feast: and we have a Gathering Table that we call Earth... Earth is Our Mother, ready, willing, and able to Birth Paradise... (This is an ancient but still an ever-ready truth). Isn't it about time to ask of one another, "What are those things that are preventing the Birth of Paradise?" Paradise Possibilitarians: if not now, when? If not us, who?