![]() "Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." -- Leonardo Da Vinci "Suppose it never, ever comes true, and there is no paradise... well, I'll still go on preaching. And yet how simple a matter it is: in one day, in one hour it could all be brought about at once! The chief thing is to love others as oneself, that's the main thing, and that's it -- absolutely nothing more is necessary: you would immediately discover how to bring it about." -- Fyodor Dostoevsky Well, there you have it in a nutshell: how to solve every political, economic, cultural, and spiritual problem! Everything, absolutely everything boils down to the reverence we hold for every "other": every relationship is sacred! At the core of our being -- and the core of reality -- everything is in the primal condition of "Unity", of "Communion", of "Inter-Being"... Before every effort to "individualize" or "compartmentalize", there is Only One... Each and every one of our personal and social "problems" is rooted in the fact of our "forgetfulness": the vast "culture field" into which we have been born insists that we must forget our Unity, believing that the "play of life" wouldn't be any fun if we all lived in "remembrance" and loved one another! All the many ways of "separation" have become our religion, economics, and politics (the Eve and Adam myth, original sin, "saved" versus "unsaved", damnation and domination, exploitation, oppression, racism, greed, injustice, power, and all the justifications for violence)... Yet, steadily rising in the very midst of this "culture field of separation", are the "sunflowers of remembrance and transformation": more and more people are awakening into "seeing" our Unity: awakening into a living, sustainable, relationship with this precious blue Planet -- which is destined for paradise, not for the flames of destruction... awakening into reverence for those who have been sorely oppressed for centuries: women, children, and the poor -- realizing that our deepest, truest, identity is as lovers, as sisters and brothers, equal before the Holy One Love from whom we have all come: "We have been created by Love, for Love, to become Love" (Simone Weil)... awakening into adoration of the One Love manifested in the little "I" of "myself", but of primary importance, manifesting in my "sacred self": every "other"... and awakening into the deep understanding of connection: if "We" are all connected then our every relationship is a means to Holy Communion: justice, equality, kindness, mercy, compassion, harmlessness, gentleness, and the practice of beauty are then known to be the every-day tools of transformation: everything that we buy or sell, everything that we create, everything that we are and do must be and be done under the umbrella of this Holy Communion! Nothing is held back, and no one is either left behind or considered unworthy! The whole purpose of our lives is this remembrance and then the practice and the teaching: we are to live, everyday, by Love: perhaps we need a crash course in this new politics and religion by a network of mystic-activists: "Lovertarians" -- For the People, For the Earth! Consult the sages of the past, or the rising sunflowers, for they all know that neither Power nor Greed, regardless of how they are disguised, will ever make for happy people or peace on earth... It really is time to awaken, gather, and practice! It is time to learn how to see!
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022