I am a collector of quotations. I collect rocks, too, but quotations enthrall me... like the photo above... I think that it was taken near Point Lobos, California: aren't you attracted to beauty? What takes your breath away -- and then gives it back in a giving that "drunkens" your mind?
Here's a quotation from Graham Schweig's translation of the Bhagavad Gita: "You are so much loved by me!" Schweig identifies these seven words as the "supreme message" of Divinity to every human... A message that securely identifies our place in the cosmic scheme of things: a place that is not contingent upon "right belief" or some sort of test: it is our Real Reality. Here's another of my favorites: "Love one another as I have loved you" and with it "Whatsoever you do to the least person among you, you do the same to me"... So here, in a teenie nutshell we have the rEvolution clearly spelled out for us with no ambiguity whatsoever: love is the rEvolution. As we are loved by the Quantum Consciousness, so we are expected by that One Reality to put our every bit of love into daily action. Are we needing to ask, "What does love mean?" How about this for a starter: it's known as the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Who might we consider as exemplars of love? Who entices you deeper and deeper into the revelations that lurk in your heart? I have a whole bunch of folks who steadily -- sometimes "drunkenly" -- walk with me through the days -- daze -- of my life: Thomas Merton, Joan Baez, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Grace O'Brian, Ram Dass, and Amma... I love to read about Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo, Hafiz and Rumi... Of course, Yeshua the Poet and the Ragged-Man of Assisi (St. Francis), and Dorothy Day have challenged and in-formed... Now, as to the business of loving: words of love are utterly meaningless without the follow-through of daily action. In other words, you (we) deceive ourselves if we think that we can separate the requirements of loving from the proof of actionable practices and policies. Social justice, equality for all, safe housing, health care, living wages, quality and take-it-to-your-limit education, social harmony and nonviolence, planetary regeneration, and "religious" kindness. Please note that these "actionable practices and policies" are each and all "rEvolutionary" because they jerk religion, economics, and politics clean out of our mind and puts them where they belong: in our hearts... Practice: observation: what are the practices and policies put forward by your pastors, by your city councils, by your political representatives, and by those whom you consider your "leaders"? Here's a new insight: your love-in-action is the real -- and only -- leading that happens in the world: everything else is the gaming of a casino life...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022