Some folks are looking for salvation. Some folks are practicing meditation. Other folks are looking for skin. And still other folks are looking for profit. Some folks... well, the possibilities are endless, aren't they?
Whether salvation, meditation, skin or payday: there is always some degree of separation. Indeed, as the title of this blog protests, even in meditation there is the "skin of separation"... There are rich folks who pay "way hoo-ey" for the shaman drug: "Just get me out of my skin!" But what if... What if the Universe is Self-Aware? What if consciousness is the "foundation", the very organizing principle, of All and Everything? What if the "thing-y-ness" of Matter is the Skin of the Universe: and "underneath" it Is, similarly what Is "underneath" us? Here it is: matter, your skin and my skin, are bound forms of energy: and energy = consciousness. Whew! And precisely here, Mystery gathers Itself into mystique: one could say that Big Abba did not "just" create you, but Needed (kneaded) you into existence: for It had need of your skin, your bit of consciousness, to engage with your possibilities: perhaps, to contribute something sweet to the Soup Pot of Having Lived... We are temporary "balloons of life". Only a thin skin separates that which we consider "us" from the Big ? Out There: just the pin-prick of death and we go "pop" back into the Big ? No Separation... Ah! Ah but we can, now and again, "jump" out of the confines of our skins into the All-Beyond... You must remember (in faith if not experience) that Mystery is, above all else, creative. "Creative" certainly implies an activated use of imagination: if I as a poet can imagine a loving forever for everyone who has ever lived-loved-suffered-hoped-and-strove forward in life, what might Big Abba have imagined? Here it is again: whether salvation, meditation, skin, or profit as motivation: that which we hunger for, all the way down into the Consciousness that animates our DNA, is the transfiguration of our skin into the New Creation Skin of loving-without-limits... We begin our s-t-r-e-t-c-h into our New Skin by the practices of disappearance now: meditate! Serve others with no intention beyond that of gifting! Organize for peace, justice, equality, and the well-being of Earth! Practice adoration! Respect girls and women! Eliminate systems of domination! Cultivate healthy soil! Practice pleasure as sacred! It is only in loving that we may leap into our Sacred Possibilities...
1 Comment
Colleen Gray
10/29/2019 01:48:25 pm
LOVE ...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
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