If Thomas Merton didn't write this, then he most certainly could have. And hopefully, if you have never said this, you most certainly could! And further, that you would genuinely mean every single word!
So, according to the United Nations, Pope Francis, and others, it is true that one in every seven people on this Planet is a refugee, migrant, and / or homeless... Is it actually possible for that figure to sink in?
Meanwhile, there are folks who can wear a t-shirt blazoned with God, Guns, and Gravy...
And an occupant of the White House who rails against everyone who does not share his astoundingly neo-fascist opinions and agenda... (I am one of "them"!)
I wonder, if that same White House occupant has ever thought that perhaps he could, one day, say there is no person in whom I am unwilling to see Christ?
Only just barely do I give, as the saying goes, a rat's ass about about a belief in Christ: for if one is not about identification with Christ and the praxis of transformation into Christ, than such "belief" is, at best, a sort of sleeping pill to dull one's experience and commitment to life...
One in every seven people on this Planet is a refugee, migrant, and / or homeless!
How is that there is no person in whom I am unwilling to see Christ working for you?