![]() "Unless you transform yourself back into a child, you will be too proud to enter the Garden of Eternal Delight..." -- Yeshua (New Gospel) "What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take 'everyone on Earth' to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale." -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes It is a passion for possibilities that will be all the difference in the world! It is a passion for transformation -- not a willy-nilly personal change -- but a radical, to the roots, total change that includes everyone and everything! It is a passion for praxis: the will to accept personal responsibility for both intention and action: Now, who is "in" your circle of community? And even more importantly, who or what is "out"? This "now" is the very point at which possibilities may incarnate, or discorporate... this is the very point in which possibilities will liberate or suffocate... Along with our very first breath, came the possibility of the beginning of a brand new humanity: in which being replaces gender, and Sophia-Wisdom, the Divine Feminine, is again given access to the dance of soul... the Mystery of This is the unification of the masculine and the feminine in the new solidarity of an awakened soul, body, and consciousness: this expansive consciousness is the Divine Breath breathing body into ecstasy, mind into wisdom, and soul into the One Love-without-Limits... this is the glory of human being... this is the mystic initiation that is every human's birthright: this is what we have been "made for", and what our brains have been "wired for"... That we forget our Divine Inheritance is our single greatest problem / opportunity: our forgetfulness is the secret message we have knowingly, or unknowingly, been seeking: knowing that we have forgotten is our opportunity to enter upon the path of remembrance. It is here that intention has its powerful role to play: it is by sincere, activated, intention that we may begin the process of mystic transformation. Praxis is the daily work. Aware of "having forgotten", your intention is remembrance: you enter upon the way of praxis: you begin to live in such a way that there is less and less difference between what you believe, how you think, how you speak, and what you do: "One Love" is your intention, practice, and your goal: so now, who is in and who is out of the circle of your community? Transformation will never happen "out there": transformation is always, always, right here, right now: transformation is the person right in front of you: no one and nowhere else! Transformation is the radical activation of mercy and compassion, right here, right now! There is absolutely no "enlightenment", no "realization", and no "liberation" other than the person right in front of you, right here, right now! [This is either a blessed relief because it is seen for exactly what it is: simple and clear. Or, this is sufficient cause for slipping back into forgetfulness: because there are no loop-holes, and no exceptions.] Too many "mystics" have given their lives over to loving in theory: too many sutras and scriptures have been written to expound upon theory... but the mysticism of love-in-action is the liberation of "good ideas" into energy: early Judeo-Christian-Islamic mystics would greet their sisters and brothers with, "Die before your death"... and the sister or brother would respond, "Resurrect before the resurrection." In other words, they knew that praxis was all the difference... So again: who is in and who, or what is out? Draw a circle in the sand, or upon a piece of paper (intentional communities can do this exercise together): write within the circle those whom you know to be "in"... now honestly (who the hell ever really wants to be honest?), write the names of those persons, creatures, or things whom you know to be "out" side of your circle: now, if you are serious about transformation, draw lines and arrows, from the inside to the out, and just above the lines, write the names of those who will take personal responsibility for trying to "pull" the folks or things on the out side to the in side: this exercise of remembrance is what Yeshua meant by his challenge of transforming into a child: this exercise is only for the brave: this exercise is your personal / communal "battle plan" for saving this precious blue Planet!With no one and nothing left behind, the Garden of Eternal Delight will be discovered: "Look! Love is all around! Love is within you! Welcome Home to the Garden of Eternal Delight!" (Yeshua, New Gospel). "Everything would change if only we could treat every single being we meet, human or animal, as who they really are -- a disguise of God." -- Fr. Bede Griffiths
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022