The world is pregnant with God. -- Angela of Foligno
And, according to Meister Eckhart, "From all eternity, God lies on a maternity bed giving birth. The essence of God is birthing." I would think that these quotations would spark some sort of upheaval in your mind! Attitude, perspective, and intention are everything in the cultivation of a radically soulful life. If one adopts the mystic-insight that, indeed, the world is pregnant with God, then everything is pan-sacramental: a means of grace and wonder, and a meeting place of the soul with the Divine Consciousness... Every moment is a theophany: a showing of God. Every person and everything is a manifestation, a revelation, of Being and Love. This mystic-insight should compel a transformative rEvolution of consciousness and the "gentle" annihilation of the ego ("me, myself, and I" as the center of the universe")... As ego recedes, the divine nature of our soul-self (We and All are One), launches us into our sacred possibilities... If, in fact, the essence of God is birthing, then our daily perspective must likewise undergo a radical re-orientation. Our thoughts, words, and actions are sacred and are the primary means given to us to process-praxis Paradise upon this most precious blue Planet. By extension, all of our collective thoughts, words, and actions are as close to Paradise as we will ever be: in other words, everything now matters: everything hinges upon our renewed commitment to birth the Kind, the Just, and the Beautiful in all of our public policies and institutions... Every justification for the limitless expansion of predatory greed, exploitation, inequality, injustice, oppression, and violence is evidence of the seductive power of the Unholy Trinity (privilege, profits, and power)... In the delightful wonder of our divine pregnancy, we can choose to join together in the mystic-embrace of loving to give birth to Love Itself through the all of our everyday lives: with nothing any longer under the veil of some sort of sin or separation (dualism), everything is now Only One (non-dualism). Living the radical truth of becoming mothers of God (We are all meant to be mothers of God. -- Meister Eckhart), every step that we now take will be a lifting of this entire Planet onto the path of conscious evolution... We can choose to cultivate bliss, reverence, beauty, harmlessness, and kindness. Our mystic surrender and adoration is to the One Love Consciousness: the Oneness. Everything fits into the puzzle completed by active-compassion. Every old religious or political division and divide is bridged by the birthing of our intention to outdo Love in loving in a new, wild, and holy competition... Like that proposed by Jesus in his Beatitudes and Rumi in his poetry... this is the unleashed power of our possibilities!
10/13/2022 04:51:40 am
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10/13/2022 07:49:58 pm
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022