![]() Take Off Your Clothes Take off your clothes. Actually, I didn't mean the fabrics you wear... I meant your skin! Strip down to particle and wave... Then you can even leave that behind. Become "what if?" before thought Divided you into this and that, Good and bad, Beautiful and ugly, And into you and I... It is really possible to meet Beyond every illusion of separation. It is really possible to meet beyond every illusion of separation! This is both radically important and very good news, for it offers an entirely new view of reality and the human person, beginning with an alternate perspective on the Judeo-Christian creation myth: in its essence this myth has the act of creation a separation of God from all that "he" has created. This separation is then deepened in the story of the Fall and the disobedience of the first humans and their punishment: being driven out of Paradise, into a world manifesting in every way the pain of separation... and this "original sin" has been passed onto every human since. Not many people have gone, "Whoa! I'm not buying into that", at least not without looking over their shoulders... It is time to acknowledge that, while the theory of original sin has been very profitable for a few, it has caused untold pain and suffering upon the many -- for thousands of years. It is the root philosophical justification for the very destruction of this precious blue Planet by the profiting exploiters... it is the root justification of every system that oppresses women... it is the root justification for virtually every form of abuse, exploitation, and violence perpetrated by the dominator paradigm. If, at its core, the human person / soul is corrupt then every following corruption is justifiable: especially if it is profitable to someone. But the great news is that there is a "but" to all of this: we can change our minds and walk away... just walk away... do you really want to keep paying for someone / anyone to tell you that you are anything other than perfectly beautiful, loveable, and worthy of the best: of Love? "When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female not be female... then you shall enter the kingdom." -- The Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22 "When you make the two one" is the key to the transformation that is truly possible! Shedding your clothes -- stripping off the painful garment of original sin -- and stepping freely into that which is beyond every illusion of separation is the action that results from your decision to cultivate your new mind / reality of radiance, delight, and boundless love. The Holy One is really not a Being of Domination: whew! The Holy One -- as Divine Mother -- has been patiently awaiting our remembrance and our awakening... thousands of years of oppression and repression has not eliminated our human hope for the return of One Love: the Mother's touch and faith expressions of kindness, harmony, and integration: One Earth for the serving and delight of all in Justice, Equality, Harmlessness, and Peace... What if "original sin" is pondered and understood through the "new eyes" of "when you make the two one"? In other words: perhaps the choice to believe in a reality that is defined by separation is the actual original sin... the choice by the first humans to accept separation from Paradise: to separate into parts, into differences, into "others", has been multipled many times over and is the sin that must finally be confronted and overcome. What if the first humans had "disobeyed" and simply refused to leave Paradise? What if they had affirmed their beauty, worthiness, and loveability -- instead of accepting someone else's definition of them as "bad" and "unworthy"? (Don't forget, though, that this was a story written by men to obliterate the worship of the Divine Feminine... the Earth Mother). The Divine Mother extends her invitation to enter the path of "One Love Blessing" and recreate your self-identity, communities, and heal our collective relationship with the Earth... radiance and delight are choices... And we can look to the living example of Yeshua the Poet of Nazareth as our "Bridge" from the here of separation into the there of Union... and Rumi and Hildegard and the other beautiful mystic-poet-guides shine their light upon the path... so why dilly-dally? Let's go!
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022