![]() Love's most strange, most holy mystery -- we are intimate beyond belief. -- Rumi Since the very dawn of humanity, humans have looked to the stars and wondered every question imaginable... it is as if the most ancient dream of humanity was to soar among those stars -- and perhaps also to fly into the very Mind of God... but with the arrival of quantum physics and the wide dissemination of the world's mystic teachings, the new human is destined to advance in the "spaceship" of Love, Life, and Consciousness: perhaps too, someday, we will fly among the stars, but that will pale in comparison to our awakening into our essential divinity... In spite of the temporary ascendancy of the world's corporate-elite who would gather all wealth and power unto themselves, a very different culture is emerging: a Planetary culture of awareness and eco-solidarity: dedicated to the exploration of consciousness, of inter-being, and of enlightenment. This transformation is occurring simultaneously around the world -- look to the margins: it is there that a new humanity is being born! Within each of us individually, and all of us collectively, this dream is steadily rising: from eco-feminism to the occupy movement, from shaman explorations to quantum mechanics: a new paradigm of Unity, Partnership, and Mutual-Aid is taking hold and pushing us toward a transformational awakening. To access this vision is to enter into the mystic path: to sustain this vision is to step onto the activist path: to unite both these paths within one human being -- and then into a network of intentional communities -- is to become that which we seek: One Love. This transcendental potential is shared by all! One Love will teach us how to build the society of our dreams: a vital participatory democracy, an economics of global solidarity, and a culture of equality, reverence, and justice. This vision of the New Human requires the steady expansion and deepening of our consciousness into a mindful awakening: setting aside the many temptations of the isolated ego, for the awareness of the essential unity of all. We need to embrace our destiny as "One": intimate beyond belief: with Love. We need to "polish our mirrors" that we may see ourselves as we really are: interdependent beings existing within the "mercy" of a Planetary ecology. The power of the corporate elite is nothing in comparison to the power of the people coming together, and it is even less than that in comparison to this dream that lives with each one of us. We have been born for the infinite: to unite the immanent and the transcendent within our own consciousness: to become aware of the One who links us all, all of nature, and even the furthest stars into the truth of the New Human. This metaphysics is all about connections: uniting the spiritual, psychological, and physical into an entirely new language and story and eventually into an as yet undreamed myth about which even newer stories will be told... can you hear the beginnings? Sometimes I would guess that you can: when watching a sunset, while holding your lover, when kissing your child, when demonstrating for justice, while organizing for action, and perhaps while standing in a shower and letting the water course upon your head: thinking only that everyone should have a share in "enough": in beauty, in kindness, in gentleness, and in liberation... You think and feel these thoughts deeply, perhaps wondering if you, too, have been specifically called to these adventures and explorations... and so you are imagining yourself as an agent, a creator, of the new Planetary Consciousness: and maybe, too, the mystic who will give birth to the New Human...
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022