Commingle in the Breath:
Breathing in -- the Unity -- the One Source...
Breathing out -- the Energy -- the Creative Juice...
Non-existence and Existence both
Are within every breath...
Awakening is "Only One".
(From "Sevens In The Rain" by RS)
"Natural human being" -- one might say, "primitive" -- lives within a consciousness of Unity: her essence, mind and soul, not only encompasses her body (which is sacred), but also "co-mingles" with every existent thing within her experience: tree, wind, water, mountain, soil, plant, cloud, sun, star, moon, animals, and other humans... The "Unity" is a lived experience of inter-relationship, of inter-being, and of inter-consciousness: there is Only One Reality: we are It, It is us: All of Us...
Most basically we interpret our experience of reality from the twin perspectives of Pleasure and Fear: or Love and Hate. The interpretations of the meanings that we apply to Pleasure and Fear inevitably become for us something beyond the personal: they become a myth, which in turn may become a religion... Much drama circles around and through the dance of Pleasure and Fear: we ascribe divinity to that which tends to elevate our possibilities for More Pleasure and The Pleasure of a return to Oneness or Unity. By the same token, we recognize all that divides us, interiorly and exteriorly, personally and collectively, and compels a spiraling descent into suffering and the pain of division: from ourselves, each other, nature, and divinity: and we come to know That Fear...
Only the recovery, or remembrance, of our "natural mind", unencumbered by the cultural accretions that inevitably follows the "civilization of technique", will liberate us into the rEvolution that is the destiny of the human being and all of creation... Yeshua's "love one another" was the directive of remembrance and expansion: not of technique, but of consciousness: not of domination, but of compassion: and not of fear, but rather of Pleasure... Infinite Pleasure...
The incredible "juiciness" of "love one another" is the revelation of our desire for the Unity that sourced us and continues to attract us: like a new life with our most desired Lover: with that One we entrust our blemishes and our Lover responds with unlimited caresses and kisses: and just when we think we can't take another touch or kiss without leaving our skin behind to merge with the entire cosmos, we are teased into a new turn of possibility for mutual delight and adoration... endlessly... this: This is the birth of the Mystic for All People and All Creation: There are now no limits to the wonder the opened heart can embrace... there are no limits to the bliss of opened hands in service for justice and peace...
The most creative act of the new, Natural Mystic, is the release of soul into the "everyday-ness" of life: rising, eating, drinking, working, playing, creating, practicing, sexing, sleeping: everything is One Act: love flowing through opened heart and opened hands into a world torn by division and the worship of Fear: love flowing in a flood of soul to kiss the essence of every human, every being, and every thing: love flowing in the release of Pleasure for the sacred rising of Bread, Roses, and Holy, Holy, Holy: thou art always and forever: Holy...