![]() Follow the ascension of your breath into the fullness of your Divine Secret! Breath is the alchemical tool for transformation: through breath, soul takes form... through breath, soul encompasses body... through breath, souls can merge and delight in Union... through breath, souls can "remember" the path of descent / ascent... The Divine Breath that proceeds from the Consciousness of Origin (Only One / One Love) is the sacred feminine birthing every movement of Love (creation, evolution, destruction): therefore, the first step on the path of radiant transformation is surrender within the reverence of breath. Imagine each breath a red rose that you receive and then return in adoration to your Beloved... surrender and adoration are primary mystical exercises: both should flow ceaselessly -- as your breath -- in an interior rhythm of prayer... the entire Universe is penetrated by the "One Love Consciousness": this very same Universe "bends" towards / within the one who adores as a "mirror" of sympathy: as the microcosm, so too the macrocosm... everything is an emanation of the One and returns to the One: like waves upon the ocean, or the flow of the breath... Surrender, adoration, imagination: the mystic "Path of the Rose"... one could say that the entire Universe came into existence for you to return love-for-Love, and so to become transformed into Love (to remember your secret identity)... Surrender, adoration, imagination are each and all meant to incite a riot of intimacy with the Beloved! Why did Yeshua give bread to his companions with the words, "Take this and eat: this is my body given up for you"? Lovers need to touch, grasp, cling, lick, taste, and "eat" their Beloved. The Holy Act of sexual union is a mirror of the Holy Act of contemplative union... both feed the impulse towards conscious evolution which is the full flowering of the human person and of humanity as a whole... Love is the "highest" (and only) Reality. The mystic is one who cultivates a daily "riot of intimacy" with every breath, glance, and action... Invocation is the next "tool" meant for daily (constant) use. The "average person" has around 65,000 thoughts every day: invocation is the process of re-configuring the mind to its highest potential: which is the elimination of most of those wild (and oftentimes negative or destructive) thoughts, and replacing them with One Thought: the Beloved... The essential nature -- the very fibre -- of the Universe is evoked through the Conscious Breath of the Holy One: the One first imagined "What if?" and answered with the first "Holy Moly!" breath and spoke: not a "Word", but a Poem... and even that was not enough, so the Poem responded with the creation of the Universe and animated everything with Breath-Energy-Love... Invocation is the delight of this mystic-remembrance: the repetition of a sacred mantra, kirtan or singing the "Names" and attributes of the Holy One, and body movements or dance are the essential and primary means of invocation... a gathering of lovers, together engaged in these practices, offers the profound initiation of truly intentional community... A gathering of lovers offers, not "just" the beauty and gift of a red rose, but instead the cultivation of vast gardens to delight everyone and the Beloved! Surrender, adoration, imagination, intimacy, and invocation are supported by a steady practice of meditation and contemplative prayer. To consciously rest in the subtle movement of breath: each an offering of Love, a being in Love, and a "tasting" or transformation into Love... is to rise with the "ascension" of your breath into the mystic union with the Beloved: and to remove the veil of time in which all things are created anew: and the grace of "Being Love Now" recreates every personal / historical suffering into the Bliss of Every Moment, Every One, and Every Thing: has always been, is now, and ever shall be Only One / One Love... "Only One" is an expression of an awakening: for in truth, Only One exists. The ascension of your breath into Union must result in a corresponding union of your individual heart with all of humanity, every creature, and all of creation. "Union" requires the activation of compassion, the vigorous pursuit of justice, equality, simple living, and peace (towards harmlessness as one's active identity), and the reverence and serving of this precious blue Planet... And so the gathering of lovers is also the formation of a community of activists, informed by the "path of the rose" and mystic communion, infiltrating every level of society with radiance, passion, humor, service, resistance, and revolutionary ecstasy... And so another sacred circle is formed, and the Universe rejoices in its meaning and journey... The ascended breath makes a "Soup Kitchen" of the mind and heart: this breath, and food for the hungry... this breath, and resistance to injustice... this breath, and developing economic alternatives with the poor... this breath, and chanting the Holy Name... this breath, and delighting one's lover: Every Breath / One Love... The Ascension Breath is, in its essence, a re-orientation (remembrance) of the sacred feminine, the Divine Mother. Every aspect of the path of the rose is a "birthing" of the Beloved within one's consciousness and daily life. As St. Francis said, "We become the Mothers of God" by every act of love: in other words, as the Mother gave birth to Creation, we may in turn give birth to the Divine within creation by the practice of both love and justice. There is no better (other) way of honoring the Divine Mother than by becoming the mothers of God in time! Holy Moly, what a way to live! "Divine Mother of Radiant Delight! I surrender my breath into Your Breath... I adore the One behind and within the many... I offer the sacred gift of my imagination that it might lead us all to Paradise... I intend to live intimate in love with life and my companions... I invoke Your remembrance in my heart and with every breath... I will to activate my heart and life to compassion, service, justice, and harmlessness in thought, word, and deed... In every moment, in all things, and with every breath I offer to You all the roses of my heart..." Om Peace Amen
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022