![]() "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes." -- Marcel Proust The Holy One, the One Love Consciousness, dwells within us: within everyone and within everything! More: our secret identity and the secret identity of everyone and everything, is One with this very same One Love Consciousness! The Sufis and Yogis are especially fond of focusing their devotional practices on this truth, "God is the Only Reality": everyone and everything is a "particular" revelation of The Unity: through us knowing Herself... To live then, within this ever-expanding awareness, is to become "living prayers": like blessing rivers flowing everywhere, touching everyone, holding up everyone, embracing everyone... There is an old story told of Yeshua the Poet: he was attending a wedding and after-celebration and was told that the wine was running low... asking for help in filling large pitchers with water... he sent them into the party: changed into wine, for the delight of all... Traditionally, this is a favorite story for many, and supposedly "proving" his humanity and compassion... Truly it does, but it is much more: it is a mystic call to remembrance... Life itself is our essential wedding feast: alive is our temporal condition, with all that life means: and our tendency is to stop right there: to cling to form and time... and later, of course, regretting the passing of both... But as "particular revelations" of the One Love Consciousness, we were created for remembrance: for the transfiguration of water into wine. Through forgetfulness, we settle for "being water". Through remembrance, we may instead "become wine: for the delight and service of all life and creation. Yeshua the Poet become Winemaker -- is yet sitting on the bench in the side-room of our lives: he sits with his friends and his poems... there is a soft glow of firelight, the reading of words, and an occasional long, tonguing, kiss from one to another... with the reflecting light in his eyes, Yeshua twists and curls his moustache around a finger while looking directly through the group and settling upon: you: are you ready for the path of remembrance? Are you ready for the rEvolution promised before form and time? Are you ready for your becoming wine? Are you ready to be poured into the cup of Yeshua, and to be poured out again upon a suffering world -- in mercy and compassion? Water and wine: vehicles of transmission: but the essence, the very fine essence, is your invitation to the party and your sacred opportunity to see with new eyes, and to love, oh to love! with a heart that holds within its embrace every living being and the mysterious all of creation! "Take, and drink! This cup was made for you!"
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AuthorRobert Daniel Smith was privileged to serve the homeless and marginalized for 30 years in California. He is living now almost within shouting distance of the Twin Cities. He is a poet, artist, writer, and long-time Companion of the Way still dreaming... Archives
May 2022