What were you made for? Is there a purpose to your being? What are you living for? What value do you place on others / on every other / on the Possibility of The One? These are a few of the core questions which indicate the movement of consciousness within a person! How we answer (or not) these questions indicate not only the movement of consciousness, but the stirring possibility of an evolutionary leap taking place within one person -- for all of humanity!
While fundamentalists of every stripe busy themselves with mindlessness and conservatism, the vangard of the new humanity engage in an active pursuit of mindfulness and engagement: mindfulness is evidenced by a re-orientation from "it's about my salvation" to "it's about our solidarity"; and engagement is evidenced by significant steps away from "it's about my success" to "it's about our liberation and full development". Politics and religion have become a vast field of "play for me, and play for power" -- to the sad detriment of both humanity and this precious blue Planet. But all is not yet lost!
There is a Planetary movement taking place at this very moment: it begins with women: full equality in every way with men (especially in religion, politics, and economics) is no longer an option: it is the future. Secondly, awareness of the inter-connectedness between our Planet, all of life, all of the support systems necessary for life, and of humanity is growing rapidly all around the world. Climate change is spurring this awareness, but of equal importance to environmentalism, is the third great sign of this Planetary movement: the burgeoning interest in the Divine Feminine. The old male-dominated religions are aghast at the return of the Divine Mother -- they thought they had killed her off thousands of years ago! This Planetary movement is being nurtured by the personal commitment of untold millions of "sacred activists" who are gathering into "circles" of mutual aid, intentional community, service and activism -- that these circles are not pursuing elected office sustains the illusion that they have no significant power to effect social change... but they are the invisible yeast working from within to create a sustainable and radical transformation... steadily advancing towards the inevitable "tipping point" where sudden and rapid change will be manifested everywhere in many incredible ways!
The Tea Partiers are aiming to take over Congress... the Sacred Activists are aiming to re-direct the course of human history... the first will become a blip on the screen of our story... the second is going to set about writing a brand new book!
Now, where do you stand?